Chapter 17

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I still can't believe that stupid bitch.

(You) We r over.

(Noah🥺💗) no please please she kissed me and I didn't kiss back!

You changed Noah's contact name.

(You) It's over Noah.

(Noah🤮) no please I need you y/n!!

(You) Noah shut up! You kisses someone else at least own up to it you fucking loser! Besides I don't care!

(Noah🤮) please y/n

(You) we were only together for like a month. Get over it!

Read 2 minutes ago

Wow. So that's it. I'm glad I think.

No I'm not.

Well I'm glad I actually stood up for myself. Maybe a bit too much but fuck that crusty idiot.

I get a call from Millie but I ignore it. I want to be alone right now.

                   (The next day.)

We are going back home today, but not for long because we have loads of interviews to do.

I was supposed to sit next to Noah and
Millie on my way back. Hopefully someone will swap with me.

I get in the limo. I'm sitting next to Gaten. We don't talk about Noah which was a relief.

When we arrive Finn stops me. "Hey, y/n, I uh heard about Noah and I'm what he did..." he says. "Oh yeah..." I say. "Do you wanna swap seats, you would be sitting next to Gaten and Sadie." He says. "Wait really?!" I say. "Yeah of course!" He says. "Oh thank you so so much!" I say and hug him. We swap our sheets that says our seat numbers.

I get on the plane and sit down. "Oh are you sitting here?" Sadie asks. "Yep Finn was so nice and asked me if I wanted to swap!" I say. "Ohh awesome!" Gaten says.

"So how you feeling?" Sadie says. "Um im fine!" I say. "Why wouldn't she be?" Gaten asks. He clearly doesn't know.

Sadie tells him. "What?!" Gaten says getting out of his seat. "Wait no gaten!" I say. He turns around. "Sit back down please." The flight attendant says to him. He does as he was told.

It was actually a really fun plane ride!
But all thanks to Finn of course!

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