Chapter 29

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(Ava🥺👻) soooo what do u think?!

(You) yeah sure!

I regret that....

(Ava🥺👻) YAY
(Ava🥺👻) HIS NUMBER IS *********

(You) ty!

Matt's pov
I was outside store when Ava rushes up to me. She grabs my phone."Hey what are you doing?!" I say. "I set you up with Y/n Y/l/n!" She says. "You mean THE Y/N Y/L/N?!" I say. "YEP!" I also gave her your number!" Ava says. I hug her. "Thanks!"
She leaves.

I get a text.

(Unknown) hi is this Matt?

(Matt) um yeah?

(Unknown) oh great! I'm y/n y/l/n!

(Matt) omg hi!

(Y/n🥰🤪) hiii! So Ava told me to text you.

(Matt) yeah, apparently she wants to set us up?

(Y/n🥰🤪) haha yeah

(Matt) hey if you can, come here *his house adress***

(Y/n🥰🤪) okay! You live very near to my house!

(Matt ) hehe also btw my friends are over. They want to meet you too

(Y/n🥰🤪) oh wow. I'm a real celebrity now.

(Matt) yes 😌

(Y/n🥰🤪) welp I'm on my way!!!

(Matt) cyaaaa soon

Y/n pov
Well Mom is driving me to house. This should be fun!

A few minutes later we arrive. "Okay sweetie call me if you need to!" Mom says. "Yeah bye Mom!" I say and get out of the car. She drives off.

Woah. This place is huge. Damnnnn this is bigger than Millie's house!

The security open the gate for me. I open the door. Everyone's head turns to me. They run over. "Hi again!" Ava says. "Hiii!" Another girl says. Oh I recognize her. It's Amelie (A celeb)
"Hey!" I say.

Ava brings me to her room. "Sooo Matt..?"She says and winks. "Yeah.." I say and smile. We both laugh.

We both go downstairs. Damn. A lot of people for one house.
I look to my right. "Matt!" I say and walk over towards him. "Y/n!" He says and hugs me.

We talk for hours. He introduces me to everyone. He was also very nice about it.

"Let's watch a movie everyone." His friends Alex yells. Everyone agrees. I look at Charli who was staring at me. She looks away and rings someone.

Alex puts on IT Chapter 2.
(I had to😚)

About half an hour in the movie, I realized my head was on Matt's chest. But I didn't move. He was pretty comfy actually. Umm. Anyways.

Five minutes later the doorbell rings. "Oh that must be the pizza we ordered!"A girl called Kira says. She opens the door.

Charli gets up. "Noahhh!" She says.


Love is strange {Noah schnapp x reader} Where stories live. Discover now