Chapter 18

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Everyone got off the plane. Noah ran up to me from behind. "What is it?!" I say impatiently. "Please she kissed me!" He says. Finn comes up to both of us. "Noah leave her alone!" Finn say. Noah walks away. "Thank you." I say to Finn. "Oh my pleasure!" He says and walks away, winking.

Um anyways.

I seen my Mom and walked over to her. I gave her a hug. Mason jumped out of the car and hugged me. "Hey!" He says. "Hi!" I say. I say bye Winona, Dacre, Joe, Natalia and Charlie since they live in a different place and we won't see them in a while.

I get home and just lay on my bed.
I start to think about Noah.
Ugh y/n stop it!
I get a text.
Ugh okay I'll see what he wants.

(Noah🤮) okay y/n I was just um wondering if like we could still be friends since we were really good friends before all this?..

(You) yeah sure! Uh sorry if I was a bit harsh before..

You changed Noah's contact name.

(Noah🥴) it's okay! And thanks! :)

                       Noah's pov
So. She only wants to stay friends. It's really over.

I feel like such a 'loser' which was exactly what she called me.
Chloe comes in and I jump up.
"Oh heyyy Chloe!" I say wiping my tears.  "Uhh hi, dinners ready.." She says. "Oh okay thanks." I say.

                       Y/n pov
I decide to text Finn.

(You) heyyy I heard a new cupcake store was opening down the street wanna get one?

(Finnie boi😎) oh um no I can't sorry!

(You) oh that's fine! Stay cool finnie!

(Finnie boi😎) Byee!

Finn's pov
Oh no. Y/n just asked me to hang out. Ugh what do I say?!!! I can't go. I'll reveal it.
She'll find out I like her!...
I'll just say I can't go.....

Love is strange {Noah schnapp x reader} Where stories live. Discover now