Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Here I am, in a new house with new parents. How great. To be right back where I started. Nowhere. "Well, Jordan this is your new home." my "parents' said with a smile as they opened the front door. I walked through the door and held on to my bag. I didn't want to be here. I want to be anywhere but here. They are just gonna not like me after awhile and then I'll be back to square one, nowhere.

"How you like it?" the "mother" asked me.

"It's cool." I replied with no emotion in my words. She smiled at me and headed towards the stairs. I looked at the picture on the wall and saw the parents with a baby. Who is the baby?

"Hey.. um, who is the baby in this picture?" I walked over to the picture and pointed to the baby in the picture. She looked at me and then to her husband. She stepped down from the step she was on and looked at me, she had grief in her eyes.

"That was our baby. We only had her for a little but she passed on after 6 months of being alive." she smiled lightly at me. This lady must love to smile. I looked at her and I started to feel sad but I shook it off. I looked at her and nodded my head. What was I going to say anyway? The adoption agent told them that I didn't talk much and that I was different than normal teenage boys. Somehow they still wanted me. Maybe, they were the quiet type of parents. Who knows. She started up the steps with my bag in her hand while I stood there looking around. I started walking around and I headed towards the living room. I stared at the living room and I felt a hand on my shoulder and I quicked turned around terrified. It was just the man. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I didn't know if you heard me or not from outside." he said.

"It's okay." I shrugged my shoulders and looked towards his hand on my shoulder. Can he please remove that hand? Like, I don't like it. He patted my shoulder with a smile and walked towards the stairs. I watched him walk up the stairs and I sighed. Why here? Why now? I don't want to be here. I don't want to go to this new school tomorrow. I just want to be nowhere. I looked up the stairs and imagined my own son/daughter walking down the stairs with a big huge smile on their face. The imagine went away and I looked at the ground. I don't belong here. No one wants me so how will I ever belong. I have been with 50 different adoption families and I haven't belonged. I don't even know if I'll belong here. Well, it's what it is. I heard them yell for me and I started up the stairs slowly. Hopefully, I will belong here. Maybe, I want to. Maybe, this time things will be different.

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