Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 

        "Jordan, what is your favorite part of this class? Doing work or sleeping? Must be sleeping." Mr.Hiener said as he awoke me from my slumber. I groaned and sat up in my chair just so I wouldn't be a target for him. Maybe, Troy should come in this class and punch me so he can have someone else to target on all the time. It's from my past, and I know that, that is what is from. This school is just rediculous. I sighed and listened to Mr.Hiener talk whatever he was talking about. My grades are fine, I could care less about this class. Raven isn't in this class with me and I hate it. I love staring at her and passing our little notes in class. Damn, I miss her so much. I wish I could just go to her right now and hold her. I miss her in my arms. I want her here right now. I sighed and looked at the board and saw that he put on there that we have homework tonight. I groaned and slotched back in my chair and closed my eyes. I am tired of this shit. I just want to run away with my family and Raven. That's all. Where I belong.

*                        *                        *                        *                        *                        *                        *               

        When I got home, I realized that no one's car was in the driveway. That's different but it just means that Mom and Dad were out. Good for them, they deserve it. I sat down on the couch and turned on the T.V. Just what I need. Relaxation. Something I really need. I turned on my favorite show that I watch when I am alone. The Role-Called Love. Awesome show, I love it. The main girl reminds me of Raven but she isn't Raven. Raven is the perfect girl you see in movies, not this weird one that isn't perfect. Raven is the only perfect girl in the world. She is my everything and she always will be. Just then my phone started ringing and I saw that it was Raven calling. "Hey babe." I answered with a smile on my face.

"Hey baby. What's up with you at the moment?" she responded. She sounded happy, which is always a great thing.

"Sitting here watching T.V. You?"

"Who are you with?"

I paused and looked around the room. Um... okay? "Um, no one?" I was so confused.

"Mhm, yeah okay."

"Rav, I'm being serious."

"Ashlie isn't there with you?"

Ashlie! My eyes popped and looked at the phone wishing that she could see my face right now. "Hell no!"

"Alright, sorry I was informed of a lie then."

"Rav, why would you believe any one of Ashlie's lies?"

"I don't know. I'm just scared. Scared of losing you, that's all."

"Raven, you won't ever lose me. I promise you that much."

"I believe you. Night baby. I love you."

"Night babygirl. Love you too." She hung up and I put my phone away. What was going on with her? Maybe, she was on her period and just having those up and down moments with her emotions. If she ever does that with chocolate, I'll shoot myself. I love her but damn, I don't think I could handle that for seven days a week. Man, girls must hate that. I shivered at the thought and went back to watching my show. I looked at the clock, it was five and no one still wasn't home. Man, where is everyone? Why am I always alone when I want to be with someone and whenever I want to be alone I want to be alone? Do I just work like that? I sighed and went back to watching my show. Damn, I miss Raven.

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