Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

        I woke up to the smell of bacon and I sat up slowly. I looked at the clock and saw it was only five a.m. What is going on with  me not sleeping alot? I groaned and got up out of bed. I walked over to "my" closet and grabbed my black skinny jeans and a dark blue shirt. I put on my clothes and grabbed my bookbag. I opened my door and headed down the stairs. I was walking down the stairs slowly and quietly, so they wouldn't be able to hear me. "Goodmoring Jordan." I heard Josie yell. I rolled my eyes and sighed. 

"Goodmorning." I said lightly and had to choice but to walk down the steps and head towards the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and saw food on the table. I don't really like eating. I made a weird face at the bacon and sat down at the table. "Don't like bacon?" she said as she sat down across from me. I was shooked, she saw my facial expression. How in the world did she see that? "Um.. I mean I don't really like eating that much.." I started to fade out. I don't want her thinking that I threw up my food. 

"Oh.. do you want cereal instead? That isn't that filling. We have some, if you want some." she smiled lightly at me. For a minute I felt warmth but I shook it off and looked down at the table. 

"Um, no thanks. I'll be good. I don't ever eat in the morning." 

"Oh. Well, why not?" 

"At the adoption agency, I never ate in the morning because I would cook for the other little kids and things like that." 

"Oh." She smiled big this time, "You like kids?"

I smiled lightly but I was looking at the table so she couldn't see me. "Yeah, I love them." 

She smiled and nodded her head. "You should get to school before you are late." She got up and walked out of the kitchen. She was trying to do what the guy wanted her to do. Give me space, back off, and to stay out of my way. Which is a good thing, in a way. I got up out of the chair and put my bookbag on my shoulder and left the house. I started walking towards the school when I saw Ashlie walking towards. I rolled my eyes and sighed. I started to walk slower, maybe she won't look at me. She is not walking towards me, she is walking towards her group of friends that are behind me. I heard giggling and laughing coming from Ashlie and saw she was on the phone. I breathed out heavily in a good way and knew that she couldn't stand to be near me while on the phone. She needed her popularity to be on point. I put in my earbuds and turned on my music. I needed music just to drown out all of the outside world. I don't belong in this world so I don't want to be apart of all of this outside world crap. I started walking at normal speed now, knowing that she wasn't going to notice me. I heard the ping noise go off for Kik and I knew that it was my bro. I got out my IPod and saw that it wasn't. It was one of those whore girls trying to get me. I rolled my eyes and put my IPod away. I hated those girls. They just like emo guys cause they are cute but they don't get them at all. Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I spun around quickly and took out my earbud. "Hey Jordan." It was Ashlie. Oh my god, when will she just leave me alone. 

"Hi." I responded and turned around and kept walking. She jogged up next to me and started walking with me. Why?

"How'd your first day go?" She asked. Like she honestly really cared, but I know she doesn't.

"It went fine." I started walking a little faster. I wish she would just go away. I don't want her around me. I just want to be alone.

"That's good. Do you have anyone to sit with at lunch?"


"Well, you cou-" I cut her off, "No, I could not sit with you or anyone. I like to sit by myself but thanks for the offer." We were now in the shool building and I headed towards my locker. I looked behind me and saw that I lost her in her little click talking to her. I sighed in relief. She was finally away from me and not annoying me. It's not that she was annoying me, it's just that I don't want her around me. I like to be alone. I don't think anyone understands that at all. I walked over to my locker and I was shooked when I saw that there was no writing on the locker. I shrugged my shoulders and opened my locker. I put my bookbag in there and got my books out for class. I walked over to my classroom for the day. Today I have freeblock for my first class. I sat down in the back of the class and got out my IPod. I went on Kik and saw that  I had like 5 new messages from girls. I click on all of them and answered them. I was bored anyway and I needed someone to just talk to so the time could pass by. I felt watch out of the corner of my eye as this girl sat down next to me. I looked at her and I felt my heart stopped for a good minute. She was breath-takingly beautiful. I felt my hands get sweaty from being nervous and I put my hands on the table and couldn't help but look at her. She had colorful hair that fit her perfectly. She was just perfect. She must of known I was staring at her because she turned and looked at me and smiled. "Hi." she said with a smile. Her voice sent chills down my back and I felt my heart beating fast. 

"Hello." I said, and this time I couldn't help but smile. Maybe, today this hell hole won't be a hell hole, maybe it'll be a heaven hole. 

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