Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

        "Mom, I don't want to talk about this. It makes no sense to do this." I said as I sat down on the couch across from her.

"What did you do Jordan?" Mom asked with a tone that I couldn't figure out.

"Look, the court decided the decision! I was eleven at the time. I had anger issues."

"Yes, you HAD and I looked into your records. You never did. Why'd you do it Jordan? Why did you kill them?"

"I didn't."


"I didn't. I'm done with this conversation. It's over."


"No." I got up and walked out of the house. I started to walk when I heard her walking behind me. Oh my gosh, would she just leave me alone for once, in my life here. Please, right now would be great to get some fresh air and maybe, even go to Raven's. She's been sick and I haven't gotten to see her and it's been tearing me apart. i do remember Amanda though. She was like my little sister. Her hair would always fall perfectly in her face and man did i hate it. She always said she was ugly and it was my job to make sure that she knew that she was beatitful. I did that well. I did some research on her last night and she's married with a kid. She seems happy but that letter seems as if she's been lying to everyone around her. Amanda would only ever reach out to me when we were kids because something was going to go down. Something is defaintly not okay with her right now. I don't know what to do. I think I should tell Raven. Maybe, then Raven can know about my past. I am sick and tired of all this guilt and lying happening around me. I walked back to the house and walked to the living room.

"I'll explain everything with Raven here. She deserves to know the truth as well. I am calling Amanda and she is coming as well. Things need to told tonight and you may not like them Mom." I said as I stood in the hallway looking directly at her. She didn't look scared at atll, she seemed calm like she's been through this before. I walked up to my room and started to call Raven, then I'll call Amanda.

"Hey babe, we need to talk. Come over right now." I ended to call without Raven being able to respond. This is not the time for games. Things could happen tonight. Things I am not prepared for. I don't know what I am going to do but I am going to do something about this happening. Maybe, I just need  a little extra push and that push will come from Amanda. She's always been able to push me to do something, and she can still do it, I bet.

*                        *                        *                        *                        *                        *                        *

        As they sat down at the table, I saw Amanda sit down right away. She looked the same just more beautiful then she did when we were kids. "Hey Amanda. Get your hair outta your face." I said with a smile.

She smiled and pushed her hair out her face. There she is. My little sister.

"Okay now look, you all don't know my past. Amanda knows it, the truth about it. She was there when it happened. She didn't help but she did in a way. I can't explain it but she's my little sister but not. Amanda, is older then me yes. She's 18 but she is little up in her head. That's why she's my little sister. So Raven, when I call her beautiful it's cause I take her as family. Okay?" I looked at Raven and she nodded. She looked like she was jealous but right now I coud care less. Tonight is about my past. I don't think that they should know but it's about time that I stop hiding in the dark and come out of hiding. I have saving this all for one day when I would have to tell someone and that is now. Amanda looked at me and smiled lightly. I was glad she was here, she always made me have a good clearing in my head. She was always there for me and she , I know, will always be here for me. She got ahold of me, she went out of her way to find me, and she helped me find my real parents. I shoook that thought and looked at Mom. She looked different tonight, I don't know why but she just does. Dad finally looked at me and nodded his head. He was now ready. They all were. Raven might end up hating me and that is my worst fear. Losing her means losing everything. Let's see if I can being my story with this. I looked around and cleared my throat.

"I am going to tell you my past, don't ask questions, just please listen. Everything I am about to tell you is true. The rumurs that you hear, they are true as well. They just don't tell the whole story all the way. As for another thing, I remember it all word for word, action for action, play by play. Don't think I am lying. Amanda was there with me the whole way if you don't believe her, ask her. She even brought the film that we did while the thing that we did happened. What happened was real and I need to know that no matter what, you aren't going to hate me afterwards and that you will stil love me. Like all of you do know." I look at Mom as I said that last sentence. She had tears forming.

"Hunny, your father and I will always love you no matter what you did." and I looked at Dad and he nodded. I looked at Raven and she looked at the ground. Damn, this might be the end. I sighed and opened my mouth to begin my story. This may take all night, I thought as I began.

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