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Degurechaff's POV;

It's been years since I woke up on the ground.

Wait, has it been years..?

It's strange really, it's strange how I woke up in such a place that's looks ransacked.

Well, sort of ransacked.

It was a mess, large parts of what seemed to have been walls were everywhere, they were all burnt and in large bits. Debris....

There were some papers that were stuck around stuff too, flying around and obviously burnt.

Was there an explosion? Explosion..!?

Wait, what even happened?

Sitting up, I wiped my face and glanced down.

Huh, a green uniform...

That's weird.. I don't remember being a soldier.

Wait, was I a soldier? I don't know.

Who am I..? No, I'm... Degurechaff.

Degurechaff..? Is that my name??

My name...what is my name..??

What happened...??

Oh, stop this Degurechaff. You need to get up now.

Maybe I should look for clues of...who I was or what really happened here.

Everything looks destroyed almost completely.

Wait, was it bombed or hit by a wrecking ball?? Wait, what in the world even is a wrecking ball???

Uhhh....stop overthinking now, Degurechaff, you need to get a move on.

Standing up, I maneuvered my way over some pile of broken stuff.

Until something caught my eyes.

Turning my head around to look, there was a rifle on the ground, untouched and looks as if it wasn't damaged in any way possible from an explosion.

Wait, has it been there when the explosion happened?

I should take that.

Walking over to grab it, something hit my right eye to hiss and growl over the pain.

It a lot of rime must've passed after I finally opened my eyes back again to see the world.

Covering half my face, I was able to manage and grab the rifle before swinging it over my shoulder to let it hang loosely along with me.

"What the hell...?" I grumbled while squinting my left eye to see where the sudden beam of light came from.

"Ah....a mirror..?" I mumbled when I got a better look at it.

Huh... it's sort of broken though, how'd it survive in such a state though?


Walking towards it, I noticed something weirder.

"What's up with my...?" I mumbled but paused when I blinked and tried to see better.

Yep, I do have golden eyes.

Wait, didn't I have blue..? Wait, why do I even remember having blue eyes?

Did I have blue eyes..? No, wait...did I?

Then my eyes turned cold sky blue...


I was amazed.

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