Safe zone

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The mist that thickened in the room continued as a sigh escaped Grantz's lips when he came back to his spot.

"Damnit...whatever that dead enemy demon did to my captain.. she'll pay!" He grumbled before swiftly brushing his grey coat slightly to yank his sword from his side.

But only to growl when it hissed fire at him.

Humming, he kept a firm hold on the sword by the side of his stomach. It glistened ever so lightly over the fire stinging him on the inside.

"Still can't yank this sword out, huh?" He commented before taking his hold off of it.

Shuffling slightly from his grey coat before opening the window to leave.

Of course, he closed it behind him.


Weiss and Visha roamed around the safe zone for a bot before the sound of mist blew in their eardrums.

"Huh?" Weiss hummed while glancing behind him after Visha paused.

"Grantz..." Visha mumbled when the familiar feeling of the mist came to her senses.

Grantz smiled before perking up and saying, "I saw her!"

Immediately did Visha yank herself around in surprise.

"What..!?" She said.

Grantz continued to smile.

"I saw her!" He repeated before saying, "in the military school!"

"She was with...with that demon!" He hissed before scowling to himself.

Weiss shot up and walked beside him, calming him down with Visha patting him in response to calm him down as well.

"Calm down, Grantz." Weiss said.

Grantz took a deep breather before finally calming back down.

"Are you talking about that demon enemy mage?" Visha asked.

Grantz nodded before saying, "that demon must've done something to her! She attacked me!"

Both raised slight suspicions.

"Attacked you??" Weiss asked.

"Yes...she went and almost hit me with lightning. I don't even know how she did it but she did it." Grantz continued before getting punched in the face.

He shrieked over the hit which Visha had delivered to him.

"W..what are you doing, Visha!?" He stammered while holding his cheek with Weiss kneeling beside him.

There was a huff that came from under Visha's mask before an apology.

It only made the two dead men confused.

"Ok..? But..why did you punch me??" Grantz mumbled while trying to get up with Weiss's small help.

There was silence that came from Visha before a quick answer.

"She would've only attacked you if you did something she didn't want you to do and... I got a reflex over it." She said before turning her heel around to walk off.

Grantz and Weiss immediately ran to catch up to the dead woman who paused on her steps for them.

"Do you think...major Tanya will ever remember though?" She pondered.

Both men huffed before Weiss said, "come on now, Visha! Don't get too upset that major doesn't or.. can't remember!"

Grantz placed an arm around her shoulders before saying, "come on! Let's go to the amusement park, hm?"

Visha stayed quiet.

"Let's go and play around in some games and rides! I've got the money for it..?" He continued while raising a wallet in the air.

Visha perked up.

"Where did you get the money?" She asked.

"I found it on an alleyway, looks more like someone decided to leave it because it just laid on top of a trash bin." Grantz replied while keeping a cheery smirk.

Weiss chuckled before saying, "we should get ourselves some time to cool off, don't you think? I bet we'll see Koenig there! He likes to cool off and have fun in the amusement park that's closest here!"

With all of that finally out of their tongue.

Visha agreed.

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