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Mary's POV;

A day only passed after another one of them appeared in front of us.

Grantz...who are you to Degurechaff..?

She's been quiet in her seat.

She hasn't said a word and has been keeping a lot from me lately.

I can respect that... I was like that too.

And she's also very young.

"Degurechaff?" I called out.

She didn't respond and kept staring down.

I don't understand what happened to her really but I want to help her for helping me.

"Degurechaff??" I called out again.

No response.

Sighing, I clasped my hands on top of the table before she suddenly jumped up with me flinching and backing up slightly from it.

"I did it, Mary!!" She exclaimed.

In confusion did I asked, "did what??"

She smiled wide before saying, "this puzzle,"

Feeling dumbfounded, I stared at the rubiks cube in her hands.

You've got to be kidding me...

Sighing, I placed a hand on my temple before saying, "damnit...you scared me there, Degurechaff."

She giggled.

"How'd I scare you then?" She asked.

Huffing, I took my guts high before saying, "I thought you were...sad after last night's events..you scared me there and I thought you would give another breakdown again and cry!"

Well, that got her to understand me.

She nodded before apologizing.

I declined her apology.

"No, really, I'm sorry. You're getting dragged into my problems and it's all my fault." She said.

"No, you helped me once which means I'll help you back. I'm not giving up on you, Degurechaff...you never gave up on me after all." I replied while patting her head.

She stared at me before snickering and then laughing.

It's always nice to hear her laughter, you could even say it feels peaceful.

But only did a few minutes pass and she was quiet again.

Grumbling under my pursed lips, I made my way over to her and snatched the puzzle cube from her hands.

"What the---!?? Hey!!" She jolted up when I took it.

Examining it, I huffed a smirk before saying, "there's a side that's been flipped, that's why you're having a hard time trying to solve it."

Flipping one of the corners back to its correct spots, she shot up before finally being able to finish the puzzle with ease.

"I didn't know a corner was flipped...wait, you know how to solve a rubiks cube too??" She pondered while tossing the complete puzzle cube in the air before catching it back in hand.

I smiled.

"I suppose so...besides, Degurechaff. Time is still going and everything is changing which would mean we'd have to adjust and follow along so that we aren't caught as people who can't age or die." I said while crossing my arms as she snickered over before tossing the cube at me.

Catching it, I huffed before tucking it inside my coat.

"Let's go...this place is awfully quiet we might get caught." I said while slowly opening the front door.

She perked up while taking her rifle before saying, "are we going to steal the cube toy, Mary??"

I smiled.

"Don't you want it?" I asked.

"Of course I do! But you always say not to steal!" She frowned at me while wiping the blood off of her black boot.

I chuckled.

"I'll let this one slip then....besides..you always find yourself bored when I'm doing something else." I commented as I gave one last look at the dead body in the small kitchen.

The rancid smell of blood lingering underneath the corpse as I watched Degurechaff make a quiet rush towards me.

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