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Degurechaff's POV;

There was the sound of burning around me as I kept laying on the ground.

My body felt numb.

Where am I this time..?

What happened this time?

No...why am I here this time..?

Damnit, those aren't the right questions to ask!

I continued to lay down with the sound of burning and collapsing around me, then there was a figure standing beside me.

My vision was fuzzy when I tried to stare up at them.

"Who are you?" I asked.

The figure sighed and reached a hand out to me.

I stared up at him before reluctantly taking his hand.

Air caught in my throat for me to choke and gasp for air.

The sound of burning and destruction disappeared and was replaced with the sound of trains moving at a fast pace.

I blinked a few times, standing on both feet with my hand still holding the figure's hand.

"I can't believe I've become this..."

I heard a man's voice from afar.

Glancing up to look at the figure, a man with slick black jet hair and a black suit stared at me.

"Who are you?" I asked while clutching tight on my chest with my other empty hand.

He stared at me before saying, "I am you..."

He was me?

No... I'm a little girl and he's a grown man! That can't be.

"Who are you!?" I asked again, this time yanking his calm hold on my hand with a step back.

But my foot slipped and gravity suddenly pulled me back as I tried to reach a hand out to the man.

The sound of a train's horn grew loud in my ears as I glanced towards lights that seemingly grew close towards me before it stopped.

Trembling, I stared at the train that was inches far away from hitting me.

I gulped when I felt a hand grab a hold of my reaching hand.

"I am you." The man said after placing me back on my feet beside him with the train seemingly going back to its fast pace.

Gulping, I clutched my hands tight while standing beside him.

"What do you mean you are me?" I asked while walking along beside him inside the train.

Sitting on two empty seats together, we waited for the train to move with him sighing after taking a seat down beside me.

"I am the consciousness in the very back of your head. The consciousness that completes you into being called the devil of the Rhine." He said.

The devil of the Rhine? What is that?

Is that a title?? A long nickname? What is that...supposed to be??

"You might not remember because of being X..." He said.

"Who is being X?" I asked while placing my clutched hands in front of me.

He sighed once again.

"Being the devil..." He said.

But...if being X is the devil..why would he say I'm known as the devil of the Rhine???

Who is he talking about? Me or this being X person???

"What I'm just telling" he began.

I stared up at him, the train doors closing shut before the train began to move.

"Is that you have to have to remember" He continued.

What do I have to remember...?

What did I forget..!?

"You have to remember it."

That's what he said.

"You have to remember everything."

That's what he said.

I flinched when my vision fuzzed and the sound of bells..? Wait, bells??


I stared forward, there were other men in black suits standing beside me and... I was holding a book and a suitcase?? What..!??

Have I...been here before??

I stared forward before the sound of the train came closer then.

I was shoved.

My eyes widened over the man in a brown suit, he wore a look of vengeance in his eyes as air caught in my lungs when I tried to reach a hand out for help before my eyes darted over light when it caught my attention.

I gasped for air and shot up.

I was in bed.

My bed.

Wait...this is the same room.. I've gone in.

In the mirror, I rush towards it and check my eyes.

Sky blue and then golden.

I was a demon as I knew I was one.

Relieving I sigh, I wiped the side of my face. I was sweating bullets...

My consciousness...

My consciousness needs to wake up!!!

"Wake up." I said while placing a hand on the mirror.

Scowling to myself I repeated my words.

"Wake up..!" I growled.

"Wake up.!!" I hissed.

"Wake up!"

"Wake up!!"

"Wake up!!!!!"

I yelled to myself before my knees hit the ground.

It felt cold. It felt painful.

Where am I..!??

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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