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Mary's POV;

"Would you look at that!! This place is cool looking!" Degurechaff said after whistling in amazement over the military school building.

I chuckled.

The night sky loomed deep when we got in front of the gates.

"Degurechaff," I called out.

She perked up a smile and glanced up at me.

Those demon eyes seemingly looking ghastly when the moonlight hit it.

"Do you...? Remember this place?" I asked.

She shot up before giving me a confused look.

"Why?" She said.

I huffed before saying, "because I saw a man wearing the same uniform as you here and they walked in as if they were a student."

I mean...this is a military school.

She smirked.

"No... I don't remember this place at all but why do you ask that?" She said.

I didn't respond as I walked up to the gates, looking left and right on the other side.

There was a guard sleeping on a chair from the far right corner.

" has a guard." I hummed.

She continued to smirk.

"Are you scared?" She sneered over.

I blinked a few times before going into my semi form.

"No, and wait here." I said before hopping onto the other side.

Making my way towards the guard, I swiftly took the keys from his belt before making my way back over to the gate to open it for Degurechaff.

She winked at me while slowly walking in.

I chuckled as I slowly closed the gate back shut before locking it again and swiftly returning the keys back to the guard's belt.

Degurechaff laughed her own ass at me the whole time when we walked inside the building.

"How lucky we are to know that the building wasn't locked." She commented before walking in.

Following behind her, I turned back to my human form before quietly closing the door behind us.

Walking down the dark empty halls and corridors.

We walked around for a few minutes or so in a quiet conversation until something made us paused in a certain door.

There was smoke coming from under it.

"What's that, Mary..?" Degurechaff whispered over while staring at the smoke coming out of the door.

"I don't" I joked over before earning a giggle from her.

"Come on. I've gone in here nights before you, I know where the library is and it could show us the war records or to make it short we're going to see if we can find history on you in it." I said while leading the way.

Walking past the smoking door, we continued on our way to the quiet building until we got into the library.

She smiled.

"Wait, why do you need to look at my history again? Oh no, wait, do I even have a history??" She whispered while looking out the window not too far from us.

I huffed.

"Who knows...we might be able to see if you were really a soldier or if you just wear that for fun, told me you woke up on the safe zone in that uniform." I whispered back.

She smiled while fixing the rifle behind her.

Eyeing the rifle, I rolled my eyes before saying, "but I don't know why you have a rifle, why do you hold unto that rifle close anyways?"

She shot a look of surprise at me before it calmed down and she glanced back over to the window.

"I don't know really.... I just spotted it and I somehow felt like it was important to be brought with me..." She mumbled.

I paused on my attempt on keying the door as I stared at Degurechaff before huffing and yanking her by the collar.

She giggled at me after saying, "come on now, what's up?? I'm not doing anything wrong???"

"You might get spotted by the window! You can't do that!!" I whispered before letting go of her.

She snickered at me before saying, "ok, ok. I won't do that again."

Sighing, I went back into keying the knob that soon gave in and opened with a click.

Opening it slowly and quietly, I and Degurechaff made our way inside with me closing the door behind us.

"There's a lot of books here and hey look, I wonder who would be short enough to use a small stand chair like that!" She whispered before laughing at the small stand table tucked behind a desk.

I hummed.

"Perhaps you?" I snickered.

"Wha--!! Hey!" She shot up and blushed.

Giggling I hushed her down before we made our rounds on each shelf.

Nothing of any records about her was anywhere! This isn't right!

Then, I heard a groan.

"Mary," Degurechaff called out.

Sighing, I peeked from behind the shelf to see her stuck.

Keeping myself from laughing, I make my way towards her.

"What in the world are you doing!?" I whispered.

She grumbled before saying, "I don't know... I just suddenly blacked out and woke back up to holding this weird thing."

I raised a brow and glanced at her hands.

She was holding a piece of brick.

Feeling dumbfounded, I huffed and quietly got her out of her situation on the shelf she was stuck in.

Hell, I don't even know how she got stuck!

Then it hit me.

"Hey, that seemingly random brick, where'd you find it?" I asked.

She hummed before saying, "at the very top...on top of a piece of paper..?"

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