Cursed souls

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Viktoriya's POV;

After getting out of there, I made my way around to the safe zone before pausing when I heard one of them behind me.


I called out.

He chuckled and revealed himself behind a broken tent. He then sighed at me and started to walk towards me. The hole on his torso was as visible as the rotten wind in the air.

"Why did you fly so far, Viktoriya?" He asked while tucking his hands inside his side pockets.

I hummed, my breathing seemingly stifled loud under the gas mask.

"You don't usually go as far as that when someone trespasses." He continued, his cold eyes glinting over the gloomy skies when he smiled.

I huffed under the mask before saying, "yeah... someone did trespass."

He chuckled at me before saying, "so..? Who trespassed into the safe zone? A bunch of rebels for kids again or people who found a way to hop unto the other side of the fence to look around??"

I stayed quiet before saying, "no..."

He shot a look of surprise at me before frowning and calling out to them with a loud whistle.

They all immediately went over and smiled when they saw me and Weiss.

"So?? Is it important, ehh?" Neumann asked as he crossed his arms in front of him when he glanced at me.

I eyed every single one of them before sighing.

"It's ok, Viktoriya. You can drop the act! Nobody is around us, I made sure of it!" Koenig said while patting my shoulder.

Taking my gas mask off.

They finally saw what expression I was holding. Fear and grief.

"There were demons that trespassed the safe zone." I said.

They stared at me for a bit before Weiss spoke.

" it that serious for demons to pass by here??" He asked.

I sighed again before saying, "you don't was.. someone really... important."

"Who else is more important than you Viktoriya?? I mean... Tanya has always favored you along with us!" Grantz said while raising a brow.

He had this look of disbelief though.

I shook my head.

"Yeah... of course there's someone else more important than me..and I hit them..!" I said.

If I had known better.

I wouldn't have hit her! Damnit! Why did I even do that!? Why did I just hit her like it was nothing!??

"No...that.. can't be.... she's dead..!" Koenig stammered while eyeing me over.

I frowned.

"That's what I also thought after becoming a cursed wandering soul...but.. she's..." I mumbled.

"She's alive?" Grantz said.

I nodded.

"Then...where is she?" Koenig asked.

I hummed.

"I..scared her off along with another demon...." I said.

They shot up at me.

"You did what!???" Neumann slurred while yanking me around to face him.

I meekly smiled before saying, "I also hit her... because she didn't seem like her because she sounded smug."

They shot up again.

"Then...! Where'd they go??" Weiss stammered behind Neumann.

I gulped.

"I don't know..." I said.

They shot up louder this time.

"You scared her?? Wait, how did you really scare her???" Neumann exasperated while raising his hands high in the air after taking his hold on me.

"She... doesn't remember anything and I also felt scared because I hit her and she might kill I ran away." I said.

The four dead men in front of me shrugged.

"Very understandable." The said in unison. least they're all still nice and.

I still remember that memory.

With her surrounded by men with aimed guns, she was crying and all I did was lay stuck under the collapsed wall under me and Grantz. If I could have helped her...what would've happened to her instead..?

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