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Weiss's POV;

I immediately grabbed major Tanya by the back and dragged her in while keeping her mouth shut.

She was fumbling around when I took my hold off of her.

"Ow! That hurts!!" I winced over her strong hits.

She's strong even until now.

That's good to know.

I meekly smiled and stared at her on one knee.

"Who are you..!?" She asked while breathing frantically.

I flinched before saying, "c.. calm down, major Tanya! It's ok! It's just me."

She raised a brow at me before saying, "who?? Do I even know you!?"

I frowned.

She really doesn't remember just like what Visha and Grantz said.

"M..major Tanya, it's me? Weiss??" I began.

She blinked a few times.

"It's me?? Weiss??? Erhm..Matheus Johan Weiss..?" I continued.

Then the presence of Visha along with Koenig's came behind me.

"Who..the hell are you people..!?" Major asked while taking a step back.

"You have to remember, major." Koenig said while standing beside me.

Major Tanya scowled before taking another step back.

She eyed each one of us before her eyes widened.

Does she remember now!? Please tell me she remembers now!

"Wait....where is..?" She mumbled before rushing it out of the scene and back to where she came walking from.

"Hang on! Major!" I called out but she didn't listen.

I, Visha and Koenig quickly followed behind her only to be met with her kicking Grantz's ass.

"Grantz!" Koenig yelled while rushing it towards him.

I and Visha stood in our place as we watched Koenig yank major away from him and help him up.

"Mary!? Mary! Are you ok!?? Did he do something to you!??" Major stammered while standing in front of who I presume is Mary.

Mary nodded before saying, "he didn't do anything to me, he just came to ask me something that's all."

"But he stabbed you!" Major yelled.

Mary huffed before patting the major's head.

"He didn't do it on purpose, he was aiming for something else, not us." She said.

Major's face calmed down before hugging Mary who sighed while patting major's back.

"There, there, these people know you and they might know what happened and how you died." Mary said while glancing at each one of us.

I sighed.

"Major Tanya," I called out.

But she yanked herself from Mary and suddenly growled while holding herself when she suddenly fell to her knees.

"Degurechaff!" Mary yelled before screaming followed next.

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