Ten weeks

367 9 0

Degurechaff's POV;

"Hey, Mary, how about we stay in a hotel or an inn for the night?" I asked.

"Why's that?" She asked.

"We've been going everywhere for ten weeks without stop! We have money." I replied.

She hummed.

Is she really not going to rest!? She's getting weaker every single day.

"Degurechaff, you really need to stop this act of stealing." She said.

Mary, this funny gal...

"Hey, now! I'll buy us dinner!" I smiled while charming a reassuring tone in my voice.

I'm a child and the fact that I'm a child will mean that I have an innocent voice.

"Degurechaff, why won't you quit it?" She asked after pausing in an empty spot.

I raised a brow and paused a meter or so from her.

"Huh?" I was confused.

"Kindness isn't a good fit for a demon, just quit it already." She said after turning around to face me.

I frowned and clicked on my tongue while squinting my eyes slightly towards her.

"I'm not acting..!" I said.

She stared at me in response.

"I can be good y'now!" I continued before saying, "I'm just worried about what's eating you knowing you're a demon like me now!"

She scoffed and averted my gaze for a quick second.

"Nothing is eating me, Degurechaff." She said.

"That's a lie!" I said with crossed arms.

"Whatever." She sighed before she began walking off again.

"Mary Sue!" I yelled out and grabbed her hand.

Giving it a firm hold, I frowned and stared at her.

"Do you have some sort of problem with me??" I asked while clutching my other hand tight.

She shook her head and decline but kept averting my gaze.

I frowned even more.

"You're getting way too distracted into wasting so much of your energy! That's very dangerous and can't you at least tell me what's going on with you??" I said.

She didn't respond after deciding to finally look at me.

"Look, nothing is going to scare me away from you, ok?" I said.

Well, great job trying to reassure her Degurechaff. You're doing pathetic!

"You're not even that worse than me, ok??" I continued and her eyes widened.

Then everything went red.

What's happening?

What is this?


Why is it so dark???

Ahhhgg...my chest hurts!


What the..!?

"Degurechaff, stop!!!"

I heard a shout and everything went back to vision.

I hissed.

I was holding my rifle towards a man in dainty black clothes.

"You--Hak! Got to be kidding...me.." I fell unto my knees and continued to gag on my own blood.

Wheezing as I heard faint shouting from someone.

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