Forgetting something

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"Could you stop staring and move?" Mary asked while holding the giant rock that towered above her and Degurechaff.

Degurechaff sighed.

"Got it." She said while getting out from under the spot she would've been crushed in.

She won't die but it would've hurt and taken her weeks to heal everything.

"Looking new there, Mary..." Degurechaff mumbled after Mary tossed the giant rock away from them.

Mary grumbled while going back to her semi form.

"Degurechaff, shut your mouth... I've never use my complete form when needed." She said.

Degurechaff chuckled before saying, "it's just really impressive, Mary... well, I mean you always seem to want to look like a beautiful lady."

"Degurechaff, stop with your childish bullying." Mary huffed while wearing her coat back on.

"And I don't make myself look like a beautiful lady, this is just how I looked like when I was still human, alright?" she continued before grabbing her bag from the ground.

Degurechaff shot a look, her golden eyes glinting slightly before asking, " were once a human...?"

That confused Mary a bit.

"Degurechaff, are you trying to be an idiot..?" She said.

Degurechaff felt a twitch on her eye when Mary commented on her words.

"When I was still human before getting this so called gift for a second chance... I was vengeful for my father..but I failed and was killed by order of my captain, I know I deserved it for disobeying everything because my emotions got the better of me....and now I can't remember anything of who my arch enemy is supposed to look, sound or what her name hurts how I can't figure out if the person I'm talking to is the one who killed my father or if they're innocent and didn't do it..." Mary said.

Quite the long dialogue really.

Degurechaff hummed.

Her mind going a black as soon as something clicked in the back of her head.


"There that's Degurechaff!"


Degurechaff shot up, flinching when Mary yelled at her.

"Yeah? What's up Mary???" She said while perking up a smile after coming back to her senses.

There was a frown on Mary's face when she glanced at her.

"Degurechaff, are you ok?" She asked while walking towards her.

Degurechaff snickered.

"Aww..are you concerned for you? Well, I'm fine, really... I just got myself feeling as if I've forgotten something... heh, it's probably nothing, so... let's go!" She said.

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