It's him

705 16 0

Degurechaff's POV;

"Wow! You eat a lot for a woman your age." I said while smiling wide after Mary finished another order.

She's finished five plates already, y'now!

What a surprise it is! I didn't even realize how strong of an eater she is!

She...reminds me of.. someone...

"It's not always that I go out like this, Degurechaff. Besides, just like you have told me, you'll be paying for everything." Mary chuckled while placing the spoon down on the empty plate in front of her.

I chuckled back as soon as she snapped me back away from going into something in my mind.

"Yeah I am, I found money on the ground recently after all and I just wanted to repay my little something from saving me from a bunch of smugglers even though I didn't need helping, Mary." I said while raising the credit card in one hand.

I smiled giddily as I calmly rocked my loosely hanging legs on the high seat.

She's fun to be with. Well, atleast there's someone I'm able to get along with and where we have something in common.

She stared at me in slight disappointment.

"Degurechaff, stealing is wrong." She said.

I snickered before purposely making a few credit cards slip behind the credit card she was looking at.

She stiffled a laugh when I did so before we both threw a fit of laughter over it.

"Well....this is nice and all, don't you think so?" I hummed after calming back down.

"Mary?" I called out when she went silent beside me.

She was staring at someone or something...

Glancing at where she was looking at, I saw a man staring back at us.

Then, I heard growling and before I knew it, I got shoved out of my seat with Mary rushing out.

"W..wait, Mary!" I stammered after hitting my back on the floor.

Scurrying to get up, I fixed the rifle behind me before grabbing her coat while rushing it out of there after I paid for the broken plate and our orders.


"Get over here!!!!"

She immediately muzzled me from calling her out.

Everyone in the mall stared at her.

She was having a hard time with her breather.

Gritting my teeth, I made my way towards her.

"Mary!" I called out again.

I huffed and raised my hands in front if her while saying, "you seriously need to calm down right now."

"Degurechaff, don't start..." she hissed back at me.

I huffed again before saying, "not that I care about that.... it's just that, you're starting to.. sort of like..uhm..."

She flinched when she got the idea and immediately knelt down embracing me.

Ahh...her hug is nice though.

Letting her calm down, I pat her back so she can hide her demon form a bit quicker.

After a while, she stood back up and apologized.

I hummed.

"Fine...and I grabbed your coat for you." I said while handing her blue coat back.

She relunctantly took it and wore it back on.

I frowned a bit over her apology. It wasn't enough knowing she broke a plate.

"But you paid, right?" She asked.

I scoffed.

"Ofcourse I did! You even broke a plate there! An additional payment for property damage, Mary!" I said.

I was a bit irritated by her. That was uncalled for and very uncanny for her too.

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