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Tanya's POV;

Growling, I clutched tightly on my rifle before dropping it and rushing over the gas-masked woman.

"How do you know me!!!??" I yelled.

"Who are you!??!!!!??" I yelled louder.

She sighed before saying, "I don't even know if it will matter anymore..."

"Tell me!!!!!!" I demanded.

She sighed again and began to slowly take the gas mask from her face.

I gasped when she did so without warning.

Her face...she..she reminds me..of someone...

But who..?

"It's Viktoriya." She said.

I huffed, my breathing felt unsteady as I kept my trembling grip on her firm.

My eyes widened when my mind began to suddenly flood itself with another memory.

A woman in a green uniform stood from afar with a guy wearing the same uniform as her.

As soon as she faced me, she meekly smiled at me while saying something.

Then the explosion covered everything she said and she became fuzzy in front of me.

And then...she was there again..on the ground, under a large collapsed wall that crushed her along with someone else.

Fire was everywhere.

Why is everything burning..!?

What is happening!? What happened?

Then, everything went back to my present time when Viktoriya spoke.

"You really don't remember at all?" She asked.

I flinched, my hold was trembling which made me let go and stare at my hands before up to her.

"V....Visha..?" I mumbled.

Wait! Did I just!? Who is..!?

Visha?? Who is Visha...?!?

"So it is you, huh...?" She mumbled after putting her gas mask back on her.

"I see..." She hummed before disappearing.

I watched with wide eyes as she disappeared into thin air.

Where'd she go..!? How did she??


I gulped before walking over to grab my rifle with trembling hands.

How did..? Where'd she go??

Mary's POV;

After throwing up, I gasped for air and tried to stand back up after wiping my jaw.

I hummed before glancing over to Degurechaff.

"Degurechaff..." I called out softly.

She didn't answer back and kept her back facing towards me.

"You...let her get away.." she mumbled.

I sighed before saying, "you let her get away too."

She cursed under her breath while gripping her rifle hard.

I felt sweat drop by the side of my face as I gave a stern look towards her.

"The wandering soul....who were they?" I asked.

She grumbled before saying, "Viktoriya?? Visha?? I.. I don't know!!"

She was afraid.

I frowned.

"Degurechaff..." I called out softly again.

She sighed under her hand before saying, "but I'm... I'm sure I knew her! I just.... I.."

She's... she's losing herself..!

"Degurechaff!" I yelled.

Degurechaff's POV;

"A very long time ago..." I mumbled then a commanding voice came over my ears.

"Don't even think about it."

I flinched and yanked myself to turn around to face Mary Sue.

She stared at me with a worried look on her face.

"I.. I've been here before!" I stammered while looking around me more.

These broken bits of building.

These broken drawers, tables, maps, and papers...

"W..when..when was I..??" I stammered more before the voice came back and covered Mary's own voice.

"You have to stop.... you're going to hurt yourself more than you've hurt yourself now."

"No--!!!!" I slurred while looking around me more, yanking my vision here and there while gripping tightly on my rifle.

"I.. I was..!" I continued before stopping.

"No, I.. I used to be... somebody! But who was I!??" I stammered more before taking a breather over my unstable breathing.

I could feel my heartbeat pound in my ears as I continued to scan everywhere.

Overall the exhales, Mary spoke.

"Is that your name then?" She said.

My eyes were wide when I glanced over to her.

"Tanya?" She continued.

Then... I screamed.

Gasping and screaming as I heard Mary yell out to me from the same spot she stood in.

It burns!

My body hurts!!

"Aaaaaarghhgh!!!!" I continued to scream before everything blacked out after the voice spoke again.

"Fair warning..."

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