I Won't Give Up (IronStrange)

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What if Stephen didn't get like dusted and didn't look into the future but Tony still did the snap and like Stephen loved Tony but never told him or something. I want Angst and Love and just break me...Break me but please give me a soft end, please. 

Um...ok I'll try...

Stephen's Pov:

I didn't see it...I didn't see when Anthony got the stones...I had just sat up and seen his hand lifting...I felt my heart stop as I saw the glow...I saw it before I heard the snap...Blinding light and it was over...I looked around watching as everyone cheered and I froze...Peter ran toward Anthony dropping next to the very still Ironman suit. I was up and moving...I ignored everyone as I dropped next to Anthony...

"Mr. Stark...please." Peter choked and I stared at those eyes...glassy staring up...His left side burned...I choked my hands shaking more than they normally do as I realized...I never got to tell him...We had been dancing around each other for years...laughing and making jokes. "Dr. Strange?" Peter asked seeming to just now realize I was here.

"Anthony?" I choked and slowly...so gently caressing his cheek the one that wasn't burned...I felt my eyes burn as I fought the tears. I didn't notice Peter looking between us...I swallowed as my thumb gently rubbed as I looked down into those eyes.

"St-" It was so quiet...so weak but those eyes moved slowly as he looked at me.

"Mr. Stark!" Peter shot up and took off probably to get up.

"Hey..." I said unsure what I should say...unsure how I should say it...unsure how I could say it all in such a short...short amount of time. I didn't have to...

"Love...you." I laughed as tears spilled down my face at his whispered words...Then he let out a little breath as his eyes closed and his head lolled making me freeze.

"No...No no no!" I shouted as my heart broke. "NO! You don't get to say that to me and die before I can say it back!" I sobbed. "ANTHONY!" I shouted and didn't realize everyone watching. "no no no....please." I begged...Nothing hurt this bad for...I'd go through my hands being destroyed again, I'd go through all those surgeries again, I'd go through the physical therapy, I'd go through Dormmamu killing me repeatedly if it meant I didn't have to feel this. I let out a pained cry that probably sounded pathetic but it felt like my heart had thousands of needles slowly digging into it. I reached out...I blinked when the suit just opened...I choked realizing Friday had realized the life support couldn't save him...I was so gentle...so gentle as I lifted his limp body...I sobbed and pressed a gentle kiss against his temple...

"Strange..." I ignored Rhodey as I clung to Anthony's limp body...I let my head sink...I cried into his chest...

"It's ok...It's ok I'll tell you later after you rest." I choked knowing there wouldn't be a later but something in me was breaking I couldn't seem to put it back together...I didn't Peter notice return with help...I didn't notice him freeze...I don't know how long I clung to Anthony but my hands were becoming sore from how tight I was holding him...I froze...I felt the chest just barley...move up...I shot up. "Help! Help he's still breathing!" I choked and Shuri was gesturing me to follow...The cloak quick to carry Anthony cause I was scared I'd do more damage. I made the portal quickly and just stared at the doors Shuri had taken him into...Peter glanced at me then at the doors. Rhodey joined us after a while and looked at me.

"Strange, go get cleaned up and checked out." Rhodey said then looked at Peter. "You too." He said and Peter got up leaving. I didn't move...I stared at those doors...the doors that could open any minute with news...News of my world. "Strange!" I blinked.

"I'm not leaving." I croaked not remembering my voice sounding so weak...

"Strange..." Rhodey sighed.

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