The Whole Story (Ironstrange)

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Tony and Stephen have to go through some traumatic stuff but at the end of it...they have each other.

I shall do my best

Tony's Pov:

"Steph?" I asked confused cause he's here...I saw watery grey eyes staring at me wide and horrified...We had...We had... "Where?" I asked.

"Don't move...please...just don't fucking move." He choked and I was confused cause he looked pale...I saw dried blood on the side of his head and wondered what happened...I remember Stephen deciding to come with me to Afghanistan...I had told him no but he didn't listen...I remember us in the Humvee...He was talking to the soldiers when...I remember the rocket landing next to me...I should be dead...I groaned and my chest burned...It hurts...fuck. "Anthony, stay still." Stephen hissed and I looked at him confused.

"I have made the device." I looked at the other man.

"If I had...fuck." Stephen hissed.

"You have done all you can." The man said and I am so confused...

"Ok...Alright...Anthony this is going to hurt ok...and feel...heavy but you need to be calm." Stephen said and I just nodded cause I could do that. I choked on a cry cause holy fuck it felt like something was ripping the muscles in my chest. "I know...I know darling...just breath." I heard choked and then it faded slowly...the pain not half as bad. It was quiet for a while as I just laid there breathing. "A-Anthony?" I heard and opened my eyes not remembering closing them...I looked at Stephen to see him covered in blood...

"Are you ok?" I asked and he let out a choked sob making me frown.

"Me!?" He asked and I blinked. "I just had my hands in your chest." He said...Oh...Oh...I grunted and both men tensed...Stephen putting his hands on my shoulders. " don't move." He said and I stopped to look at him.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We were attacked..." Stephen said.

"Be glad he's alive." The other man said gesturing to Stephen. "If he hadn't said he was a doctor he'd be dead." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"They...wanted you." Stephen said looking at me.

"Are they going to kill him?" I asked worried.

"Probably now that he's useless." The man said and my heart twisted...No...not Steph...We all startled and I grunted in pain as that movement made my chest hurt. I looked down at the bandages and the...I stared at the car battery and the thing in my chest...I looked at Stephen and saw how pale he was. I looked over as three men came in speaking...I have no clue and the man gestured for Stephen to get down and did...I watched as they walked toward me...I swallowed when they grabbed Stephen forcing him up...No...NO! Shit...think think...

"Wait!" I shouted and they froze looking at me...I looked at the other guy. "Can you translate?" I asked.

"Yes." He said.

"Tell them not to hurt him." I said and he repeated it...I hope. They said something and he frowned.

"They asked why...he's of no importance." I frowned as Stephen gave me a reassuring he was saying it's ok.

"I'm...He's my husband." I said and Stephen's eyes widened...They all looked at Stephen now making him swallow.

"They said you are not married."

"I am...we kept it private...I didn't want the media bothering him...please...please...I'll do anything." I said and that made them look at me...I heard them talking and the guy next to me looked nervous when finally they dragged Stephen away. "NO!" I shouted and tried to get up on wobbly legs. "No! Please..." I shouted.

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