A Soul for a Heart (IronStrange)

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Stephen's a Ghost and has been alone a long time till a certain genius moves in. ABO universe to please.

I got carried away. Enjoy.

Stephen's Pov:

"Look at it." I startled and looked up from my book...I walked out of the room curious and saw a man sitting a box down.

"Tones...I don't know this place is creepy." I looked at the other man and saw him sit a box down as well...A mated pair then?

"I like it...it has a huge library." The smaller said.

"You sure this is a good idea...I mean I get it...but I think you'd be safer living with someone." I frowned...was the smaller in some sort of trouble

"I just...I want some time to be me Rhodey...I never got that cause of him plus he doesn't know about this place." The smaller said.

"Ok." The one said...I watched as the one I found is named Tony moved in. He was cleaning the place up and I felt my heart warm as I saw my home became warm once again. I smiled as he slept in the chair book in his lap...I picked it up and sat it on the table before covering him in a blanket...Thank you. When he woke up he looked at the blanket in confusion then over at the book.

"Hu." Tony said and got up...It was later when I found out he was an Omega when he started showing signs of bond loss. "God...I feel shitty." He groaned laying on the couch as he watched Sherlock...the show. I frowned and thought he was asleep when I put the blanket over him but he shot up with a yelp and I winced as he got away looking at it. "What the...No...That did not just happen." He said.

"I didn't mean to startle you." I mumbled and he yelped looking around.

"Who said that!?" He asked...Wait...you heard me!? How!?

"I did." I said and he blinked...Did he hear me?

"Who?" He asked.

"Stephen." I said.

"Stephen." He said and frowned. "Where the hell are you?" He growled and I frowned.

"Right here." I said but he didn't hear that...hm...The next day Tony came home and sat a book a very old dusty book on the counter.

"Alright...let's see here." He said and opened it...I saw several documents stuffed in it. "Here." He said and I blinked tilting my head. "Stephen Vincent Strange...You were the last one to own this place." He said...I was till you. "What happened?" He asked and pulled out his phone...He froze and opened something. "Stephen Vincent Strange...Oh." He frowned. "Ruled a suicide..." He frowned.

"I...didn't have a great life." I said and he yelped backing up then looking right at me with wide eyes.

"Holy shit." He said.

"I didn't think...anyone would miss me or care." I said and he frowned. "They didn't...I sat in here for a week before someone finally noticed." I said.

"Fuck...that's...awful." He said.

"Yes well...I regret it now...I mean I've been trapped here ever since." I said then blinked. "Wait...can you see me?" I asked.

"Yup." He said.

"Odd..." I said.

"So...um...Stephen...sorry I um bought your house." He said.

"Sorry? I'm not mad...I'm happy to see it so alive in here again." I said and he huffed.

"Ok...so...your not going to haunt me?" He asked.

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