Burning Love (StrangeIronPanther)

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Tony's a Pheonix...no matter how many times he's killed he comes back...Sadly T'Challa and Stephen didn't know and are about to witness it and it's not pretty. StephenxTonyxT'Challa

Phoenix Tony, it is

Stephen's Pov:

"Anthony!?" I screamed and watched him slam into the road making an Ironman shaped crater...He didn't get up. T'Challa rushed over defending him from the machines as best as he could. That's when one pierced through the armor and I flew over quickly...We fought them off then the team made a protective circle around us.

"Tony?" T'Challa asked gently and pulled the release...We froze...blood was coming out of his mouth as he gasped...I felt my heart sink...He drowning in his own blood. "Anthony!?" T'Challa lifted him and cradled him. "Stephen what do I do!?" He asked and I felt frozen...He was going to die...He was going to die..."Stephen!" T'Challa snapped and I collapsed next to him.

"Anthony...Anthony, it's alright, darling...shhh." I said softly and T'Challa seemed to realize as his eyes watered. "Do you want me to make you not feel it...I can let you sleep?" I asked and he choked hand coming up touching my cheek. "Sleep," I said softly and his eyes closed...T'Challa choked and sobbed. The team had killed the bots and watching us in horror.

"We love you." T'Challa cried pressing a kiss to his forehead and Anthony's chest was still. I reached out...I didn't feel a pulse.

"He's gone," I said.

"Shit." Clint hissed.

"FUCK!" Bucky snarled.

"At least...he didn't have to feel it," Natasha said putting a hand on my hand when blue flames came to life on Anthony's fingers.

"What?" I asked and the flames suddenly grew. T'Challa had to let go of him and we watched as the flames engulfed him...No! I cried as he burned away...Ash...That's all that would be left. T'Challa stared in mute horror as I stared at the ashes.

"Fuck," Clint said.

"No..." T'Challa choked. "No...Anthony." He cried and the team looked at us in shock cause neither one of us was one to show emotion freely.

"He's...just gone." I cried.

"Where did that fire even come from?" Natasha asked as I cried then froze...It had come from Anthony's fingers...I stared at the ashes...I felt my eyes widen. I used my magic to put the ashes in a protective bubble.

"I might be wrong about this," I said.

"About what?" Sam asked as I floated the bubble.

"T'Challa, come on," I said forcing the man up. We made it to the tower and I let the ashes slowly fall to the table...The team looking confused while Bruce looked in horror.

"Where's Tony?" He asked.

"That's all that's left of him," Clint said and Bruce choked eyes watering.

"Calm down...I...I think Anthony was keeping a secret from us." I said.

"What?" T'Challa asked.

"Ever heard of a phoenix?" I asked.

"Shit...the fire," Clint said.

"Exactly," I said.

"Won't he come back then?" Natasha asked and that's when the ashes started to glow blue...they sparked and everyone backed up before the flames moved...The ash forming black feathers tipped a light blue reminding me of the reactor. We watched as the giant bird stretched its wings and screeched before it's flames grew and it was so bright but I saw the shift...I saw the feathers shift and shrink...Then Anthony was standing there flames slowly fading from his body.

"ANTHONY!?" T'Challa tackled him practically and held him close making Anthony frown.

"S-sorry." He said.

"Did...did that just happen?" Steve asked.

"Anthony...Why didn't you tell us?" I asked walking up to him.

"I...I was worried you'd freak out." He said.

"Dude you looked fucking badass as a bird!" Clint said and Anthony chuckled. T'Challa pressed a kiss to his lips making him hum...I kissed him as well.

"Thanks for knocking me out...nice to not feel it for once." He said.

"Wait so you still feel that?" Steve asked.

"Yup...Choking on my own blood was new...didn't like it." He said and T'Challa's hold tightened. We thought that would be the last time any of us got a glimpse of the bird...I didn't even really get to look at it...Till Thanos lackeys showed up...It was when we were on Titan...we lost and we knew we lost when a giant black bird covered in white and blue flames slammed into Thanos. I felt my eyes widen as Anthony's nanite suit had formed to protect his bird body...The metal had turned silver and black.

"What the!?" I laughed as Anthony's wings spread and realized...This planet's atmosphere was thin...the sun was making him stronger. His flames all went white meaning Anthony was about 1,600 C 2,900 degrees F...I was surprised we weren't melting but Phenoixs could control where the heat went. He shot flames out of his mouth white-hot flames hitting Thanos who held up his gauntlet. I grinned when I saw the gauntlet melting like it was nothing.

"Go Mr. Stark!" Peter cheered and I wondered when he found out.

"Thanos hit Anthony with a rock or tried to...the rock caught fire meaning he could control it now. He tossed right back at Thanos and it hit him...The gauntlet broke and we all watched with wide eyes as the stones fell. Thanos froze and Anthony screeched before snatching Thanos up in his claws flying up. His wings flapping as his flames engulfed him. He looked white and we heard a scream before it became quiet...I was quick to put the stones in protective bubbles. I startled when Anthony landed next to me flames gone now as he picked out some bad feathers.

"If I had known you were that powerful I would have said just turn," I said and he looked at me his beak coming down and nudging at me making me chuckle...I couldn't help it...my fingers touched the soft black feathers. "You're beautiful," I said.

"Cool...I want to ride him into battle." I looked at the grey alien.

"Draxx...he just melted Thanos," Quill said.

"I know...That's why." Draxx said and Quill groaned.

"Your so soft." I looked at Peter who looked in awe as he always does when looking at Anthony. Anthony suddenly fluffed his feathers and stretched his wings making us back up. His flames lit and burned brightly as he shifted back.

"Honestly...Didn't think I was that strong." Anthony said. "Also...I regret that cause I melted the nanites." He said and I laughed. "Steph it's not funny now I have to remake them and make them heat resistant." He pouted and I pulled him into a kiss.

"Let's go home...We might need to save T'Challa." I said.

"Shit right." He said...The best thing ever was watching us come back and seeing the chaos than just seeing Anthony make huge flames separating the enemies from the good guys. I saw everyone's surprised faces and then Anthony burned the aliens.

"Hey," I said and T'Challa startled next to me.

"When? Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah...Anthony melted Thanos." I said and his helmet opened showing his wide eyes while everyone else looked at me.

"He did what?" Steve asked.

"Melted Thanos," I said.

"Good," Sam said.

"Um...Now what?" Steve asked and Anthony burned brightly as he landed and changed.

"I need food and a nap or I might collapse...going Supernova really takes a toll," Anthony said.

"Is that what you did to Thanos?" I asked.

"He hurt you," Anthony said. "You know I don't like people messing with what's mine." He said and I chuckled. T'Challa hugged him.

"We'll get you fed and all lay down for a nap." He said.

"Sounds great Pussycat," Anthony said.

"No one going to say anything about how Tony's like a bird and dating a cat?" Clint asked but we ignored him.

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