A Dragon's Mer and God (LokixStephenxTony)

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A Mer's Dragon and God (LokixStephenxTony)Part 4

Loki's Pov:

"They're gone...just like that..." Steve whispered looking horrified as we all just shut down.

"Brother." Thor said and I didn't say a word...I had saw the time stone...I had saw it...I lost them...both of them. I took a breath...In and out...the next few days passed...I listened to them argue...All of it meaningless.

"Warning...Incoming ship." Friday said and everyone went on alert. "Wait..." Friday said and we all waited. "This signature matches Ironman..." She said and I shot up...what!?

"Brother." Thor said looking at me.

"Friday?" I asked.

"I have Ironman's suit readings..." She popped them up on the screen and my heart twisted. "Severe dehydration and several wounds." She said and the area's on the body outline showed read. "Warning...crash imminent." She said.

"Thor." I said and he nodded.

"On it." He said taking off and I took off to... Thor flew toward the burning ship and I got ready...come on...I'll catch you sweetheart...I'll catch you. An image of Anthony being tortured by Thanos popped into my head making me tense...I'll take care of you. "Get water." I said and the team startled. "Now!" I snapped and they took off. The ship came down and my spell hit it hard making me wince as Thor helped slow it down...I used the spell and guided it...Slowly...carefully. I let out a breath as it touched the ground...It looked awful. Anthony? Why wasn't he coming out? The door flew open and a blue woman walked out looking ready to shoot anyone who dare pass her.

"Nebula." I felt my heart leap...Anthony stumbled out and she steadied him, I ran...I ran and hugged him but stopped when he let out a pained cry.

"Oh Anthony...Oh sweetheart...Oh god...I have you." I said softly and he smiled weakly...He looked to pale and thin.

"Loki." Clint called.

"Anthony...come on, sweetheart." I said softly and he practically fell into my arms.

"Whoops...sorry." He slurred but I was quick to lift him. I glanced at the woman but ignored her in favor of taking care of Anthony who had just passed out. Shuri was the most loveliest person in the world...Next to Peter...She had made a tank that Anthony could lay in comfortably...We got him all comfy and settled and I waited...A day passed...then another...Please...I glanced at Wong who walked in.

"Oh you live." I said and he glanced at Anthony.

"I cam to check on you both." He said.

"So you do like us?" I asked.

"Don't let it get to your head." He said. "How is he?" Wong asked.

"I don't know...He does not wake." I said.

"He will...So...Strange is gone?" Wong asked.

"I...yes...I assume so." I said.

"He is." Wong said and I looked at him. "He'd be here with him if he lived." Wong said and I nodded. That was true...Anthony started moving and I perked up when he let out a cry of agony making me feel cold. He moved and shot up as he sobbed.

"Anthony?" I asked walking toward him and he froze looking at me.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry." He sobbed and I hugged him...didn't care I was getting wet.

"Shhh...It's ok." I said softly.

"You washed it...You..." Anthony sobbed and I blinked then noticed how Anthony was cradling his hand...the hand that had been...dusty...Oh Anthony. "Peter...Stephen...I failed them...I couldn't." Anthony sobbed and I held him. I startled when his scales glowed and he let out a snarl. Wong's eyes widened as Anthony's growl grew louder and I blinked unsure what I should do. "I'm going to fucking end him." Anthony snarled and pulled away from me eyes that blue. "I'm going to fucking make me for mercy before I do." He said and I shuddered as he moved. I felt my eyes widen as he got out of the tank...Tail gone but scales still there as he walked away.

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