I'd Do Anything For You (IronStrange)

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Stephen will do anything for his Tony even if it means giving his life so that Tony can live. Tony snaps...

Here it is enjoy

Stephen's Pov:

"NO!" Pepper sobbed as I cradled Anthony.

"Anthony?" I asked worried he was already gone but those eyes locked on to me, filled with so much pain.

"Stephy." He croaked and I choked.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry I would have picked any other way if I could have." I cried and his eyes softened.

"It's ok Stephy...It's ok." I froze as a hand weakly caressed my cheek. "I...think I'm going to take a nap now." He croaked and my heart sank.

"No...no stay with us." Pepper pleaded.

"I'm...so tired...Pep." He said and his hand slid from my face but I caught it then looked up at Wong who was watching us.

"Please Tony...What about Stephen? Don't you want to get married?" Pepper asked and Anthony didn't seem to hear her as he blinked looking up at the stars.

"It's pretty..." He slurred.

"Anthony..." I choked.

"Can we get married under the stars?" I let out a strangled sob as I watched his eyes close...I looked at Wong again for any kind of help and he looked away...

"Anthony?" I cried and got no response...I let out a strangled noise and Pepper sobbed next to me. "Please...Please don't leave me...I came back. I want to get married...I came back." I sobbed. I then remembered a spell...A very dangerous one...One that'd tie our life forces together...The problem was Anthony's life force was weak so putting them together will not only kill him but also me...Fuck it. I pressed a kiss to his forehead and started saying the spell.

"Strange, what are you doing?" I heard Wong asked.

"Stephen?" Pepper asked but I ignored them...come on love...Come on.

"Strange! You'll kill yourself!" I heard Wong snap and put a barrier up...I didn't want him to stop me...I couldn't lose Anthony...I couldn't. "STRANGE!"

"Stephen stop! Tony wouldn't want this!" Pepper shouted...No he wouldn't...He always gave everything to the world...Always gave everything to everyone till he just couldn't give anymore. Of course, he wouldn't want me to do this cause he never saw what I did...never saw that he was someone worth sacrificing for...He always gives me everything but he never asked for anything in return...I won't let you die...I won't let you leave me. I felt myself growing weaker...If I die at least I'll be with you...



"He's dying help me break this!"

"HOW!?" I chuckled softly and wondered if Anthony would like his wedding during a full moon...I'd love to see the moon reflected in those eyes of his. I bet its beautiful...My vision was getting hazy and black spots danced in my vision. We can have our wedding under the stars...He'd look beautiful no matter where we were.

"STRANGE!" I want to marry you...I want to be with you...I know you're tired...I know this is selfish but I swear to you...I'll help you rest...I'll give you everything you give me and we can both go home and sleep...Sleep and cuddle. We can watch bad Syfy movies and eat unhealthy amounts of popcorn, you can tell me about your newest designs and new ideas to make the world better, you can laugh about me making a mistake and turning my hair neon pink for a week, you can complain about meetings and how Peter just never stops, you can tell me about how the tv Sherlocke is better than the movie Sherlocke and I won't argue...You can do all of it and I'll love...My vision was becoming very dark...I'll love every second of it...because I love you. We could just rest forever...Both of us...together and I'd be ok with that...As long as you are with me. I felt cold...and tired...very tired...I felt my eyes roll as the world went dark and heard a scream as well as a voice...

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