Chapter 32: Too Far Gone

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I had blocked out everything that happened at the college. Especially with Bob. Daryl looked so mad and my heart hurt for him. I knew exactly what was going through his mind. It had taken Daryl so long for him to open up and trust people, something I was lucky to see. I just hope this didn't set him back.

I sighed, leaning my head up against the window of the car. We approached the prison slowly and waited for the gate to be opened.

Rick ran up to my door, opening it and helping me out. I smile and thank him. "How's Sasha? Where's Sasha?" Tyreese asks Rick. "I don't know." Rick says helplessly. "Get in there. We got this." Daryl tells him, walking to the back of the car. Tyreese turns and runs up to the prison while the rest of us drive up to the rest of the parked cars and unloaded.

I eventually stumbled into my bunk, nudging my shoes off as I fell onto the bed. I don't think it took longer than a minute for me to fall asleep.

I slept a lot after that. For a day I think. That's what Daryl said. I thought something was wrong with the baby and I wanted to see Hershel, but I wasn't sure where he was. "What you thinking about?" Daryl asks me, playing with the ring on my finger. He was behind me, wrapping us up in his arms. 

"Nothing." I mumble, falling onto my back. He sighs, playing with a strand of my hair. "Have to talk to Rick about Carol." He finally says. I nod, swinging my legs out. "I'll come with." We both get dressed quickly before heading out to find Carol. 

I fume silently, watching Daryl as he paces on the second floor of the empty block. I grab the hand rails tightly. "Man you couldn't have waited till we got back?" Daryl asks him. Carol was gone. She was like my second mother and I can't do this pregnancy without her.

"Until Tyreese got back?" Rick asks him. "We could've handled that." Daryl says, turning away. "Where's Hershel?" I asked Rick. I couldn't listen to this anymore. "Went to dump the bodies." He says.

I turn and leave, heading to one of our burning sights. 

"Having fun?" I ask them, watching the two of them from up the road a bit. Michonne scoffs. "Yes this work is incredibly fun." I roll my eyes. "Either way, I'm here to help out."

"Great timing. We just finished." Michonne says smirking at me. "Fantastic." I say sarcastically. Michonne turns to walk towards the jeep and someone steps out and hits her in the head, knocking her out.

I pull out my gun, same as Hershel, and find it aimed at the Governor. He aims it at Hershel. When neither of us move, he aims it at me, and then to my stomach. This makes me pause. He moves the gun slightly, motioning for me to put it down, Hershel and I both do. My baby couldn't live without me alive.

I didn't try to run as he led us back to his car. I couldn't risk my baby's life by being shot. It didn't matter where I was either. Daryl would find us. I hoped.

The Governor looked cleaner, more sane. But I knew the kind of wrath that was brewing behind those eyes.

The three of us had our hands tied in the back seat of the pick up. Michonne was still knocked out, her head on my shoulder. It was until we were moved to an RV that she woke up.

I didn't listen to a word they said. I held my hands over my ears and rocked between my knees. I soon recognized the route to the prison and I knew this wasn't going to end well. I knew every bump and stone that we hit like the back of my hand. But I didn't feel relief.

The Governor stepped out and moved the three of us to a red car and then stepped outside, leaving guards surrounding us. 

"Are you alright?" Michonne asks me. I nod, looking out at the prison. "There going to kill us." I mumble to the two of them. "For what we did to Woodbury."

The door suddenly opened and a woman grabbed his arm, pulling him out. "What about Michonne?" The Governor asks. "Or the Pretty Lady." He says. Two more men pull us out. "I have a name." I spat out and the man holding my arm slapped me before pushing me down on my knees. I felt my lips with my tongue and found the metallic taste of blood.

I eventually turn to see the anger practically radiating off of Daryl. I watch as he walks up to the fence and I plead with my eyes. Maggie is the one that stops him and I see him nod to something she whispered in his ear.

"They on the council too?" He asks Rick.  The pounding in my ears drowned out any noise. Something hurt in my stomach, and I already knew it was the baby. I squeezed my eyes shut. Something was really, really wrong. 

I looked up to see Rick talking but he continues to stare at me. The pounding became a ringing. Michonne looks over at me and gives me a worried glance. All I could do was take deep breaths.

I snap out of it when I see a sword to Hershels neck. My eyes widen at the sight. I look over at Michonne. I hear the Governor yell "Liar!" And I look over to see him swipe half of Hershels neck in two. I scream as the bullets begin to ring out.

Michonne kicks me and rolls away, and I do the same with more difficulty. It was hard to move. She cut her strings before turning me and cutting mine. "Go. Go!" She shouts, pushing me forward. She grabs her sword from the ground and pushes me through the now broken gate.

I had to get to Daryl. I groan in pain and my steps falter, but I make it back up and continue running up towards the gates.

"Daryl!" I screamed out. There was too much smoke. I felt something tear and I screamed out, running up to one of the side walls before falling to the ground. I wanted to cry or scream but all I could do was grasp my stomach and push backwards against a wall.

I watched as walkers wandered past me, never once looking over at me. My body starts to shake and I feel another burning pain in my stomach. I try not to scream out, and I cover my mouth just to make sure, but I couldn't keep all quiet.

A few, three to be exact, turn towards me before rushing forward. I push away trying to get up off my ass until someone comes forward, cutting them in half.

My vision is getting blurry and I can sleep blood surrounding me but I don't care. I've never been so happy to see her. "Michonne." I call out to her breathlessly, smiling to her. She doesn't smile back. She rushes towards me and I finally let my head lull back.

She picks me up into her arms and I can barely keep my eyes focused. I watch smoke pass over us as she tries to get out of the prison yard. She sets me down eventually, draping her carpet cover over me and grabbing the chains from the prison yard doors. 

I watch her get two walkers before cutting off their arms and mouth. "Let's go." Michonne said to me, picking me up once again. I clench forward, holding my stomach but I already know whats happening. "She's dead." I groan out and Michonne looks down at me, recognition flashing through her eyes.

"Okay. Okay I got you." She whispers, dragging the walkers along behind her before setting me down against a tree. I bite my lip just to keep quiet, but it hurts too much not to make a peep. I watch as Michonne helps me shimmy out of my pants before taking a deep breath.

"Come on Chloe. We can do this." She whispers, but I think she was talking more to herself. 

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