Chapter 13: Nebraska

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There is a sex scene later on so ya'll youngin need to avert your eyes. This is consider a warning btw :)

The sight in front of us is filled with bodies. It didn't matter that they were walkers. They were still people before they turned. My heart hurt for Carol and her little girl.

Carol continues to sob and every time I hear it, it breaks my heart even more.

"Don't look. Don't look." Daryl mutters to her. He helps her stand, but she pushes off of him. I stare at the ground, unable to move.

I feel someone's arms around me, forcing me to stand. I don't look at who it is. I don't have to. I cry silently into Daryl's shoulder, gasping slightly fo air.

I hear Beth cry for her dead mother behind me. She tries to walk forward but Rick stops her. "Shh shh shh. Wait wait wait wait." He tells her over and over again. But she pushes past them and falls to her knees beside her dead mother.

"Ma..." She cries. She moves the body on top of her and rolls her over. Her mother wakes and Beth begins to scream.

Everyone fights to pull Beth from the grasp of the walker. It takes a while, but eventually Andrea kills the walker, stabbing an axe through its head.

Everyone starts to walk away. When I don't move, Daryl picks me up, sighing. "I'll let you down soon enough." He tells me.

I want to tell him not too, but it's for the best. Besides, we were friends before we ever even kissed, so maybe we can go back to that?

I sighed, tears silently streaming down my face. I knew we could most likely never go back to that. At least, not genuinely anyway. Ahead of us, I can hear Shane. "We've been out. We've been combing these woods looking for her and she was in there all along? You knew?" He accused.

"Leave us alone." Maggie tells him. Rick tries to stop him. "Hey, Shane, just stop, man."

"Get your hands off me." He tells Rick, pushing him away. "You knew and you kept it from us."

"I didn't know." Hershal tells him.

"That's bullshit. I think y'all knew." Shane accuses them again. He needs to stop. "We didn't know!" Maggie shouts, trying to lead her father into their house. "Why was she there?!" He asks her.

"Your--" Hershel begins to shout, but he calms his voice. "Otis put those people in the barn. Maybe he found her and put her in there before he was killed." He sounded breathless. Breathless and heart broken.

"You expect me to believe that? Do I look like an idiot?" Shane starts again, getting closer to him and the house.

"Shane, hey hey hey." Rick tries to stop him again "I don't care what you believe!" Hershel finally yells. Daryl slows his pace, not wanting to bring me very close. "Everybody just calm down." Rick commands. Hershel ignores him. "Get him off my land!" He yells, turning towards the door.

"Let me tell you something." Shane starts, reaching out for him.

Maggie stands in front of him, slapping Shane across the face. "Hey. Don't touch him! Haven't you done enough?" Maggie yells, pushing him away.

"I mean it-" Hershal tells us. "-off my land."

Daryl sets me down, holding my arm to steady me. "I don't want to be here." I told Daryl and it was all I needed to say. He leads me away from Shane and Rick towards Carol's tent.

I sort of wished he would have brought me to his tent, but he was just doing what I asked.

He helps me inside and then leaves without another word. Butter was excited to see him but I could tell Daryl just wanted to leave, so I held him back.

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