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Sunday morning was finally here.
Although I had fun meeting my subscribers, I couldn't wait to be with Chris again. We talked to each other the whole weekend: phone calls, texts and he watched every video I posted. Even the last video that I had uploaded last night showing all the makeup I bought.
I managed to fit everything into my suitcase, zipping it up cautiously when I got a phone call from Mykie. I answered it, slightly out of breath.

"Dude. I texted you a link to a TMZ article that was posted last night." I put the call on speaker just as the text came through.
"Okay?" I asked confused but the article answered my confusion. "Oh, fuck." I said into the phone reading the giant black letters:


"Mhmm." Mykie muttered. I skimmed through the article. They knew my name and linked my YouTube channel.
"What's the video?" I asked her.
"Just pictures of you two holding hands and him kissing your forehead which is stupid adorable."
" did they find out who I am?" I stuttered, ignoring her comment.
"That's what they do, boo. They dig to get the dirt."
"Well, that explains why I have more subscribers."
"Yeah, I saw that too." Her voice was sharp and full of concern. I took in a deep breath and read more of the article out loud.
"'The YouTube makeup artist hasn't confirmed or denied being involved with Evans.'...Uhh..I didn't talk to anyone at all, what the fuck!"
"Have you talked to Chris about it?"
"I haven't heard from him today."
"Yikes. You should talk to him. I have to go walk Deeoh."
"Okay. Thank you, Mykie. Give kisses to my boy. Love you."

"Love you!" She hung up the phone. I immediately returned to my text messages. I copied the link from Mykie's message, paste it in a message to Chris, asking if he has seen it yet. I watched the message change from delivered to read and his typing bubble appeared. My anxiety was not helping me. I closed my eyes and started a breathing exercise. I've suffered from anxiety and panic attacks after a pretty bad car accident in 2015. The text tone startled me. I apprehensively unlocked my phone to read the text in my head:

My agent sent that to me last night. I'm sorry they are so invasive. I hope this doesn't affect anything between us.

His response made my anxiety melt away. I pouted my lip but then reread the text.
"Last night?" I asked to the empty hotel room. I asked the same thing in a text and sent it. We talked on the phone for a few hours last night.

Before I called but I didn't want to bring it up unless you said something first.

I typed my reply, smiling gently:

It doesn't affect anything between us but I know you like to keep this part of your life private.

His replies made the anxiety calm down again:

Normally, I do.
There's something different about you. We'll talk more about it tonight, beautiful. You have a plane to catch.

His text made me frantically check the time. My flight is leaving in two hours. I rummaged through the room to make sure I didn't leave anything behind. I changed out of my pajamas and into the cute outfit I picked for the date: a plain dark gray tank top, long sleeve plaid shirt with gray, red and black colors, comfy black leggings and my combat boots with a zipper so I can easily slide them on and off at the airport. I threw my hair into a high ponytail, grabbed all my luggage and raced out the door.


The flight was a red eye back to LA. I watched Star Wars: The Last Jedi twice so it was a longer flight than I had anticipated. I took advantage of the time to put makeup on too. I knew it was going to be warm in LA so I stuck to my normal black winged eyeliner, concealer as foundation and false lashes.
The pilot announced we would be descending in a few minutes. Flying first class is something I would never get used to. I was the first to get on the plane and the first to get off, my favorite part. I checked my phone before throwing it into my bag, hoping I would get some type of reassurance that Chris was here but nothing.
I kept checking my phone while I waited for my luggage. Chris told me he would meet me by the front doors that were after the giant escalator in the airport. Still not getting any text from him, I made my way to the escalator.
I messed around with my ponytail, quickly checked my makeup then stepped onto the escalator. Casually scanning every person waiting below, trying not to seem anxious or desperate.

Finally, I saw him.

Our smiles widening at the same time. He had a single red rose in his hand, Boston Red Sox hat covering his eyes, casual short sleeve T-shirt and jeans.
I noticed the two giant bodyguards behind him when I stepped off the escalator. All the people walking around were invisible to me. All I could see was the handsome man waiting for me.

"Hello there." He said, gently handing me the rose. "A beautiful rose for my beautiful Rose." My heart melted as much as my facial expression.
"Thank you!" I smelled the rose and smiled uncontrollably as he leaned in for a kiss. Our lips touching again sent shivers down my spine. He stood up straight and held my hand. I glanced at the two bodyguards then back to Chris. "Why the entourage?"
"You'll see." He handed my luggage to one of the bodyguards. We started walking to the front doors and it was then explained why the giant men were needed. A large number of paparazzi were waiting outside. Airport security kept them at a distance the best they could. The paparazzi shouted many things at Chris but I was too focused on watching the ground. The lights from the cameras were blinding so I kept my head down and covered my eyes. I always saw celebrities doing the same thing, now I know why.

The short walk from the doors to the car took longer than it should have, fighting through the crowd. The car door was opened by one of the airport security guards. Chris placed his hand on my back, insisting I get in first. I slid across the backseat so Chris could get in. My luggage was placed into the trunk, the door was shut and two taps on the car informed the driver to get us out of there.

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