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Chris talked about his 'mini escape to Boston', as he always called it. I watched his blue eyes light up with happiness. I laughed while he told me about his youngest nephew, Miles, reacting to him leaving by saying his newest obsession of 'I don't wike it!' constantly. His fingers ran through his hair when he took off his baseball hat. He motioned me to come closer to him with one finger. I bashfully giggled, scooting myself closer to him.

"What do you have planned for our date?" I asked, tracing the skin on his hand with my fingertips. He watched the contact with a sly smile curling his lips.
"You'll see.." He whispered into my ear. He glanced out the window. "...we're almost there." He went back to watching my fingertips. "Wanna know something funny?" I nodded my head. "My mom would do that to my back to help me fall asleep when I was a kid."
"No way." I whispered, smiling. He nodded his head. I rested my head on his shoulder and continued to trace his skin. The car began to slow to a stop in front of the restaurant, Crossroads. I dropped my mouth in surprise. "Crossroads!" I yelled. He laughed at my outburst.
"Since we found out we're both vegetarian at Disneyland, I knew I had to bring you here."
"Oh, my god, Chris! I've always wanted to come here!" He cupped the side of my face with his hand and kissed my lips.
"Shall we?" He said, still keeping his lips close to mine. I agreed, frantically nodding my head.

Chris made reservations for a table that was closed off from the rest of the restaurant. We would have our own waiter that was instructed to keep nosey bystanders out. The manager was expecting our arrival by greeting us at the door.
I held onto Chris' bicep as we followed him to the table. I couldn't help but admire the atmosphere inside the restaurant. It was beautifully dim with the lighting of odd shaped chandeliers dangling from the ceiling and delicate candlelight from the tables.
A few diners recognized Chris since he kept his hat in the car. I watched their faces when they did. It resembled the reaction of cartoon characters seeing a ghost. I giggled at the thought in my head.

Our table was also delicately lit by a single candlelight. The secluded room was separated from the restaurant by a gentle curtain. The lighting was the same candle sconces on the wall with minimalistic branches in glass vases in every corner. I sat at the table with Chris pulling out my chair for me. I thanked him, watching him sit at the chair across from me.
The manager introduced us to our waiter, Brian, and excused himself to allow him to take over. Brian welcomed us to Crossroads and told us the specials on their seasonal menu. Chris and I ordered the entrees of our choosing along with a bottle of white wine. Brian left to tell the kitchen our orders. My eyes met Chris' already smiling at me.

"I have never been so excited to eat ricotta ravioli in my entire life." I exclaimed, practically dancing in my seat. He chuckled as he kept his eyes on me. I brought my elbows to the table. I dropped my chin on my hand admiring his blue eyes.
"You're so beautiful."
"Thank you, handsome."
"I'm really happy we were able to do this."
"It sounds like you're going to be busy."
"Press tour for the movie I did called Gifted." He fumbled with his utensils. Almost acting nervous with how I would react.
"How long is the press tour?"
"Two months then I go back to Avengers for about three months." He dropped his eyes. I smiled at him until he brought his eyes back to mine. "What?"
"It's a good thing season five of Grace and Frankie will start filming next month. It'll keep me busy." His smile grew wide with relief. Brian arrived to bring us the wine and entrees.

Chris and I finished the bottle of wine after we devoured the food. Since we got the awkward cliché first date questions out of the way at Disneyland, we felt comfortable enough to just talk and enjoy each other's company.
Brian brought another bottle of wine. We thanked him as he filled our glasses. Chris watched him leave the room.
"So..." He kept his voice low so I leaned in to the table. "...about what I said earlier today..." I nodded my head, smiling. "...there is something different about you."
"Different?" I brought the glass of wine to my lips, taking only a small sip. He nodded his head slowly.
"I do like to keep things private but.. I like you." He shrugged his shoulders. We both smiled at each other.
"I like you, too."
"You will probably like me more after I shave this off." He said chuckling and scratching at his thick beard.

"Yeah, you're right." We both laughed. "No, I actually really like the beard."
"Really?" His voice was confused. I nodded my head assertively.
"I'm excited to see Captain America with a beard. That's really sexy." He lowered his head with his cheeks filling with color. He only raised his eyes.
"I'm trying to be a gentleman and not say what I want to say but we have had a lot of wine!" He exclaimed, quietly. I giggled and nodded my head.
"I know!" I giggled. I leaned my body onto my elbows. I waited for his eyes to meet mine as he gulped down the rest of the wine in his glass. "What do you want to say?" He jokingly darted his eyes around the vacant room. I laughed at him as he brought himself even closer.
"I want to say that you are incredibly sexy and if this was our fifth or sixth date, I would have thrown you onto this table. There I said it." He threw his hands into the air and sat up straight. My legs quivered at the words. I released the breath in my lungs.

"What makes you think I wouldn't do that to you on our third date?" I flexed my arms and raised an eyebrow at him. He covered his mouth to quiet the explosion of laughter.
We continued to enjoy the rest of the wine with more conversations before thanking Brian as he brought the head chef to our table. Chris signed autographs for his children and took pictures with the staff before we left the restaurant.

The driver brought us back to my apartment. Chris walked me to my door where we found ourselves making out at my front door again. He kissed my forehead.
"Fuck, I'm going to miss those lips." He whispered. Bringing my lips to his, I let out a little giggle. I wrapped my arms around his waist. He cupped my face with both hands. I looked into his eyes.
"I'm going to miss that beard." I whispered. We both laughed as quietly as we could. I dropped my head to embrace him in a hug.
"Deeohgee is probably dying to see you." I took a deep breath, filled with the scent of his cologne and cigarettes. The realization of not seeing him for almost six months caught up with me. I pushed his body and got a firm grip on his shirt.
"One more kiss?"
"Of course." He smiled before kissing me deeply.
I checked for Deeohgee as I opened the front door but nobody was there. Chris helped me bring my luggage inside before giving me a few more kisses. I stood in the doorframe, smiling.
"See you soon, handsome."
"It won't be soon enough, beautiful." I pouted my lip, watching him walk downstairs. I sighed deeply and shut the door.

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