Twenty One.

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After a quickie in the shower, I drove Chris to LAX the next morning so he could fly back to Atlanta to finish more reshoots. I parked in a parking structure across from the airport. We took out his luggage from my car. He placed his hat on the top of my car before pulling me into a hug.

"When I get back, we're going to Disneyland." He whispered into my neck. I giggled gently. He kept his arms wrapped around my neck. I rubbed my hands up and down his sides. We looked into each other's eyes while I let out a deep sigh. Our lips connected tenderly. "I'll call you when I get to the hotel." I nodded my head and kissed him again. I dropped my head onto his chest. I hated showing Chris how sad I was every time he left. It wasn't getting easier. The only thing keeping me from crying this time were those three words.
"Is it weird that I still get butterflies when we say it?" I kept my head on his chest. Inhaling his scent. He chuckled as I could feel him shaking his head.
"Is it weird that I still get butterflies when you say it back?" He wrapped his arms around me tighter. I shook my head as much as I could from his chest. "Baby?" I lift my head to meet his sad eyes. "I love you."
"I love you, too." I replied. We smiled as much as we could and kissed uncontrollably until his publicist started blowing up his phone to get on the plane with her.

I called Mykie from the Bluetooth synced in my car. She answered with a groan.
"'Good morning, Starshine. The earth says hello!'" I said loudly. I merged onto the freeway. There was surprisingly no traffic for a Sunday morning.
"What do you want, Willy Wonka."
"I want to go hiking."
"Now?! It's 7 o'hangover in the morning." She said, growling. I laughed at her grouchy morning voice.
"I'll buy you Starbucks."
"It better be a venti." She ended the call abruptly. I laughed at her as I returned to driving and blasting my music.

We sipped on our Starbucks as we conquered the moderately difficult hiking trail. Deeohgee trotted in front of me on his leash pulling me.
"Bub, slow down!" Deeoh sat down and smiled up at me. I pat his head. "Good boy with your waiting for mommy." He started to walk beside me once I caught up to him.
"So, there's only one reason why you would drag me out of bed with a hangover for an emergency hiking session but you're way too happy to have been dumped." Mykie said behind me.
"Oh, geez. Thanks." I snapped, looking back at her. "It's the opposite actually."
"What do you mean?" She lowered her voice as a couple with a German Shepard walked by us. Deeoh let out a little growl.
"Deeohgee! Be nice." I tugged on his leash.
"She's in heat." The woman said to me. We all laughed. I pulled on his leash as they walked down the trail.
"It's been super hectic leading up to the wedding and you've been busy on your YouTube so I didn't get a chance to tell you what happened." I finally began. The trail became a little more wider so we were able to walk side by side. Mykie took another sip from her iced coffee. She raised her eyebrows from behind her dark sunglasses for me to continue. "Remember last week when Chris surprised me by showing up at our place?" She nodded her head. "He told me he is in love with me." I scrunched my face waiting for her reaction. Her shriek and yell echoed through the hills. She embraced me so fast I almost dropped my coffee.

"Oh my god, Sarah! That's so freakin' adorable!" She released me from the hug smiling wide. "I bet it's getting tough seeing him leave these days." I nodded at her words.
"Yeah. It sucked ass. Hopefully he'll be back in a few weeks though. They're only doing reshoots." We tangled our arms together to walk side by side again.
"Soon you'll have to meet his parents." Her words were bouncing with her giggling.
"I would like to make it to one year then I'll worry about meeting the parents."
"That's in like five months, dude." Her words stopped me mid stride. Counting the months we've been together on my fingers resulted in me dropping my jaw. She laughed at my reaction, pulling me to the end of the trail. The end was on top of a hill with a breathtaking view of Downtown Los Angeles.
I tied Deeohgee's leash to a post. I took out his collapsable water bowl from my backpack. He was already lapping up the water while I poured it into the bowl from a water bottle.
Mykie and I took pictures in front of the view.

Before we packed everything up to start the hike back down, I snapped a quick selfie in front of the view. I posted it on Twitter with the caption:

Amazing hike and a gorgeous view with @Mykie and Deeohgee! ⛰🐕

The likes and comments flooded in. I started to like the comments and reply to a few when Chris' reply popped up. I read it out loud to Mykie.
"Beautiful. That view is too!" Mykie pretended to gag. I shoved her arm laughing as I put away my phone and the water bowl. We started our decent singing along to music.

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