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I adjusted the camera on the tripod. I messed around with the settings on the camera while taking a long hit from my vape. Releasing the cloud of smoke into my room, Mykie appeared behind it waving her hands in the air.

"I'm not going to help you with this video if you vape in my face." She exaggerated her coughs.
"Dude." I dropped my smile and shoulders. Mykie giggled. She wiggled her phone in the air at me throwing her petite body onto my bed.
"I'm just kidding, relax. Of course I'm going to help you but vape that way." She pointed to the other side of the room. I rolled my eyes at her, inhaling another long hit from the vape. "Are you really that nervous?" I nodded my head in response. I watched the cloud enter my bathroom. A deep sigh escaped my lips.

"Here goes nothing." I whispered to the empty bathroom. I glanced at Mykie before hitting the record button on my camera. She gave me a big smile and a thumbs up. I flipped the loose curls around my fingers and checked my makeup one last time. I took another big sigh and smiled at the camera. "Hey guys!" I waved to the camera. "Thank you for coming back to my channel. I'm Sarah Rose and as you can read from the title of this video.. I am here to answer all your questions. All. Of. Your. Questions." The butterflies started doing backflips in my stomach. "Mykie is here. Say hi Mykie."
"Hi Mykie." She said, waving her hand into the frame.
"She will read the questions from my Twitter and Instagram, I will answer them. I will post the screenshot of the question over here somewhere..." I waved my hands to a corner of the camera. "...let's do this." I brought my hand over the lens for the transition. I brought my hand down for a moment, looking at Mykie. "Fuck, dude."

"I know, I know. Let's start with questions from Twitter." She sat up on the bed opening the screenshots of questions. I took a deep breath, brought my hand back up to the camera then back down. "First question: 'Who made it official? How?'" Mykie read to me. I smiled at the camera.
"Chris asked me to be his girlfriend and it was on Small World at Disneyland. My favorite ride."
"'Do you have a lot of scheduling conflicts that prevent you from seeing each other as often as you would like?'" I shifted my eyes to the camera.

"That's a very good question." I turned my head to the camera. "Yes and no. Right now with where we are in our relationship, it would be nice to see each other more but we also like to have our own space, which is something we have in common. We are both incredibly busy too. Chris is finishing filming Avengers: Endgame, no spoilers..." I pointed at the camera and giggled. " ...and I'm putting more work into my channel since I finished Grace and Frankie a few months ago. Season five is on Netflix now, go watch it!" I gave the camera a thumbs up. I watched Mykie swipe to the next question.
"'Do you get recognized in public for being a YouTube beauty guru or Chris Evans' girlfriend?'" Mykie and I giggled at the question.

"Thank you for calling me a 'beauty guru'." I gave the camera a thumbs up again. "I only get recognized from YouTube but it's not very often because I don't leave the house." I shrugged my shoulders. I took a hit from the vape while Mykie continued.
"'When was the last time you saw Chris?'" I released the cloud into the bathroom again.
"It was about.." I counted on my fingers like I hadn't already known the exact timeframe it has been down to the minutes. "..three months." I pouted my bottom lip to the camera before smiling at Mykie for the next question.
"'Can Chris be in more of your videos?'"
"Maybe. He doesn't mind if he is in any videos but I'm not going to be shoving the camera in his face every second because that would be awkward." I almost took another hit from my vape before looking back to the camera. "And weird." Mykie laughed at me and nodded her head.

"Okay, those were the easy questions..." She said to me. I raised my eyebrows, nervously. I released another cloud to my bathroom. "...'You are getting more subscribers just because you're dating a celebrity.' I guess that's not really a question." I laughed and shook my head. I glared at the camera.
"Listen. Before I was with Chris, actually before I even knew Chris, I had over 7,000 subscribers. 7,473 subbies to be exact. I don't need the excuse that my boyfriend is Chris Evans to get subscribers. If people want to subscribe to this channel for the makeup, cool. If they want to subscribe to this channel to see Chris, cool. Either way, someone will be getting what they want."
"That's a really good answer." Mykie whispered to me. I smiled at her. She continued to read another question. "'Do you and Chris want marriage, kids, etcetera, etcetera?'"

"Yes, we have talked about what we would want from a relationship in the future. But what would etcetera be?"
"More dogs."
"Oh, yes. More dogs." I said, smiling into the camera. We both laughed.
"Oh, shit. This one is brutal." She warned me. I sat up straight, ready for the question. "'Chris has said he is still friends with his ex girlfriends. Is this true? If it is, does that worry you?'"
"It is true. It doesn't have an affect on me because I'm not a jealous person. I'll leave it at that." Knowing I can edit out things from the footage, I frowned my eyebrows at Mykie. "Is that a good answer?"

"It's an honest answer and that's what they want." I let out a sigh. I sipped at my now cold coffee. I raised my eyebrow to the camera. I knew the editing I would do would also make that a cute transition. "'Do you live with Chris?'" I shook my head at the camera and set down the coffee cup.
"No, I live with Mykie. Best roommate ever." She only brought her thumbs up into the frame. I laughed at her.
"'If you have one word to describe Chris, what would it be and why?'"
"'And why'?!" I raised my voice an octave.
"'And why'." Mykie repeated sternly.
"Geez, it's difficult enough that I have to pick one word to describe him." I shifted my eyes around, pierced my lips and moved my mouth from side to side. "I would pick one word to describe Christopher as 'humble' because despite his 'celebrity status' he always waits in line at Starbucks or Disneyland and never acts like he is Captain Fucking America even though he is Captain Fucking America." I laughed, imagining how it's going to sound with the bleep I edit over the cursing.

"'What is your favorite thing about your relationship with Chris?'"
"And why?" I joked. Mykie's little giggle made me laugh. "Umm..that's a really good question.." I took another sip of my coffee and sat back into the massive office chair. I tapped my nails onto the cup as I pondered. "..the obvious answer would be that he is the most handsome piece of man I have ever seen!" I pretended to fan myself with my hand. "The honest answer is how much we make each other laugh. My favorite thing is making him smile."
"Awww! That's so cute!" Mykie chimed in as she scrolled through the remaining questions. "Only sixteen left." I dropped my jaw.
"Holy fuck."
"Coffee break?"
"Coffee break." I confirmed. I stopped the camera from recording to follow Mykie to the kitchen for a much needed break.

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