Thirty Four.

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Good morning my beautiful fiancée. The last day I can call you my fiancée! We are gettin hitched today, baby 😘😘😘

I smiled and giggled uncontrollably at the text after the chiming on my phone woke me up before my alarm. I replied with a 'good morning handsome fiancé' and tons of kissy emojis. Holding onto my phone in one hand, I stretched my body across the bed. It felt like forever since I had a bed to myself. Deeohgee insisted on sleeping in the bathroom with the cold tile floor. Dodger was with Chris at a hotel close to the venue.
I took a moment to enjoy the bed. Soon Chris and I would move into a house with our two dogs. Eventually, tiny humans. There wouldn't be much of a bed to enjoy.

After months of planning, the wedding was finally here. More notifications from followers on all my social media platforms appeared, wishing the best for us. I thanked as many as I could.
I smiled at the gentle knock on the door. I practically skipped to the door to see who was here. Seeing the ecstatic faces smiling at me got me even more excited.

"Happy Wedding Day!" They all sang with the door swinging open. Mykie, Carly, Shanna, Arizona, Lisa and my mom bounced and danced. I hugged everyone, holding back the tears.
"You can't be crying already." Mykie commented. I shook my head and dramatically fanned my eyes with my hands.
"You know I cry about everything!" My voice cracked. My mom rubbed my back. "I still can't even believe I'm marrying Chris." I sighed, happily. The girls nodded their heads and smiled. Carly's phone buzzed in her hand.
"Chris just texted me!" She announced to the squealing group. "He said: 'Yeah, I'm already at the venue. This place looks even more beautiful knowing I'm getting married to Sarah.'" All the eyes shifted to me. The awes echoed throughout the room. I dramatically fanned my eyes with my hands. Once the laughter and giggles settled, I held up my arms in the air.
"I'm getting married!" I yelled with the tears streaming down my cheeks. The girls hollered and cheered.

The photographers arrived shortly after Mykie and Arizona distributed the Starbucks order for the bridal party. I sipped on my venti iced vanilla latte with an extra shot of espresso when I noticed the photographer's eyes reading something on my cup. I followed his eyes to see words written on the other side. Using both hands, I spun the cup around. Chris' adorably messy handwriting made me drop my jaw:

You are going to be my wife! I love you, baby. Forever.

"It was his idea." Arizona said aloud to the group. My eyes glazed over reading the message. Everyone pouted their lips and sang a sweet 'awww' in unison. The clicking of the cameras brought me back to the room.
"That's so fucking cute!" I blubbered. The girls all laughed. I wiped a tear before allowing it to fall from my eye. "How am I going to have my makeup done? I keep crying."
"We will get our makeup done first and you can do some of this." Mykie firmly handed me my vlog camera. I shook my head.
"I can't.. even talk. How—"
"I know how much you love your fans. They would want to see you. No matter what." Mykie wiped away a tear trickling down my cheek.
"Love you." I whispered as I hugged Mykie the best that I could with my hands full.
"Love you, too." She whispered back. I sat on the edge of the bed to begin filming some shots of the girls waving to the camera, setting up the makeup and talking to the camera. I attempted an intro of what the day was but I could barely even say I'm getting married without crying. After a few more tries, I finally was able to film the intro to the vlog.

A few of the girls crowded around me as we admired the photographer's photos of my dress they captured when a knock on the door startled us. My mom opened the door cautiously.
"It's Scott!" She announced, pulling him into the room and peering outside the door to prevent any curious eyes from peaking in. I have never seen my mom adore a man as much as she adored Scott. She did meet him before Chris so it's only understandable that he is her favorite of the brothers. The room sang their hello's and hi's to Scott. His eyes examined the room as he waved to everyone. Once our eyes met, he practically leaped into the air for a charging hop toward me.

"Sarah!" He squealed.
"Scott!" I squealed back during our exaggerated hug. Everyone laughed at our usual dramatics. When Scott released me from the hug, my eyes shifted to his hands holding an iPad then back up to his eyes.
"When do you start getting your face on?"
"Umm.." I examined all the faces around me. Everyone had their makeup completed except for Lisa. Lisa mouthed that she was almost done while Mykie packed more eyeshadow onto her makeup brush. "..a few minutes, I think."
"Okay, good. I have been instructed by the groom to have you watch something first." He handed me the iPad. My eyes were glued to his finger tapping on the screen to play the video. A familiar parking lot appeared on the screen. I gasped and pointed at the screen.
"That's where we first met!" I squealed. Arizona snuck behind me to watch. Mykie grasped the opportunity to grab the vlogging camera to film whatever was happening. She chose to film me at an angle to see me and the tablet. Chris appeared in the video. I gasped again. Scott asked for everyone in the room to quiet down. I raised the volume as high as it could go with all eyes on me.

"Hi baby. You have already recognized this spot. It's where we first met with the help of Scott setting up a blind date. Thanks, Scott." The room laughed at Scott's exaggerated hair flip to the non-existent locks of hair. "I know you didn't want the wedding in California but I did." My smile faded. "Something you don't know is that I have strategically and secretly planned a little photoshoot after our wedding." My jaw dropped. I quickly covered my mouth with my hand. "We will take a drive here to our Happiest Place on Earth, jump on Small World and take the same picture that we have taken together for two years." The screen became blurry with my eyes filling with tears. "We have taken the picture as two strangers meeting for the first time, boyfriend and girlfriend, engaged to be married and now.. husband and wife. I can't wait to start the rest of our lives together. I love you, baby." The girls and Scott sniffled, wiped tears away and awed in unison. I couldn't control the tears.

"Oh, my god!" I pathetically whimpered. I laughed with everyone as I rubbed my eyes. "I knew there was something going on!"
"He really has been planning this for months. He knows how much Disneyland and that ride mean to you." Carly stated, patting away a tear from her cheek with a small tissue. I pouted my lip with more awes and sniffles filling the room.
"Disneyland and the ride mean so much to both of us." I sniffled as I stared at the paused video. Chris' wide smile frozen. "I can't believe he did that."
"Believe it, girl." Scott chimed in. I handed the iPad back to him and smiled warmly. I sighed deeply. I shook off the nerves building.
"I'm starting to get nervous. Let's party!" I exclaimed. The girls all raised their hands in the air with laughter and shouts of excitement. Scott hugged us all before leaving the room.

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