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Our whole day at Disneyland came to an end around 6pm since we all started getting really exhausted. Chris still held my hand when we walked to the parking lot. I let go after hearing my phone's text tone chime numerous times. I remembered I was supposed to tell Mykie who the mysterious blind date was. Just like I had known, Mykie was blowing up my phone. I read the texts in her accent in my head, laughing to myself:

Bitch you were supposed to show me who your blind date is...

Why aren't you answering meeee


Either it's going really well or..


If you're a zombie, I get dibs on your dog.

I replied back to her:

I'm not dead. It's going really well.

You need to stop watching so many horror movies.

You know damn well my sister gets my dog. I'll be home soon! 😀

I sent the last text, giggling. That would easily piss her off so I set my phone to silent, threw it back into my backpack and grabbed my vape. I hopped onto the trunk of Scott's car. The boys already had lit cigarettes, talking and laughing amongst themselves. Scott eventually noticed my choice of a seat and raised an eyebrow.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt your car." I said, patting my hand on it.
"Just for that, Chris can take you home." Scott snarled back. Chris glanced at me and smiled. I let out a malicious laugh.
"Now you don't have anyone to sing Wicked with you!" I yelled back at Scott. We all laughed. I let out a cloud of smoke. I swiftly leaped from the car. "We better get going then. I have a long weekend ahead of me." I hugged Scott and Zach, giving them both kisses on the cheeks and thanking them for the fun day. They both hugged and said their goodbyes Chris.

Chris parked a little further from Scott so we had a little bit of a walk.
"Why do you have a long weekend?" Chris asked, stomping out the cigarette. The night air felt good against my arms after spending a whole day in the heat.
"Every year I fly to New York for the International Makeup Artists Trade Show, also called IMATS. I meet my subscribers, buy a shit ton of new makeup that hasn't hit stores yet and hang out with other beauty community influencers." Chris nodded as I spoke. "Mykie was supposed to go with me this year but she got back with her boyfriend..." I rolled my eyes at the thought. "...worst part is she knows I'm terrified of flying."
"That's not very nice of her."

"No but now she also gets stuck with dog-sitting so he doesn't have to go to a dog hotel." Chris agreed. I took another hit of the vape and passed it to him.
"Do you need a ride to the airport?" He asked. I watched his lips touch the vape, sharply bringing them to his eyes since I don't have the cover of my sunglasses to rely on anymore.
"I'll force Mykie to take me." I laughed. The cloud trailed out of his smiling lips. He handed the vape back to me. He brought out his keys as we approached a silver Lexus. He pressed a button to unlock the car.
"What about a ride home from the airport?"
"Is this a way for you to just use my vape?" His explosive laugh was contagious. He traced the edge of his beard that framed his lips.
"Yeah, it is. You caught me." I laughed at his response. He opened the door for me. I thanked him as I threw my backpack onto the floor and sat down.

We talked more about family and friends while on the freeway. For just meeting me, he was being very open and honest. I was already brutally honest as it is so I had no problem with talking about things. I'm sure it was relaxing to just talk to someone without them gawking over him or asking about spoilers for the Avengers movies.
I instructed him on how to get back to my apartment. I sang along to the song playing on the radio. When he stopped the car at a red light, I could feel his eyes on me. I looked out the passenger window as I could hear him take his hat off, throw it in the backseat then bring his hand to mine. There was no point in hiding the smile anymore. He held my hand the rest of the way to my apartment.
He took his hand back to park his car in front of the complex and shut off the engine. I mentioned I'm on the second floor, pointing up the stairs in front of us. I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. He broke the awkward silence first.

"I know it's cliche to say this but I had a really good time with you today."
"I did too."
"I would like to take you on a date when I pick you up from the airport on Sunday." I pushed my hair back with my hand and smiled even wider.
"You're very persistent." I laughed with him. He looked up the stairs that lead to my apartment.
"May I walk you to your door?"
"Yes you may, Christopher." He chuckled at my British accent.
I could practically feel his eyes burning holes into my butt as we made our way up the stairs. "It's not polite to stare." I said again in the fake accent. I heard his muffled laugh. I brought my keys out of my backpack then swung it back onto me. He messed with his hair before standing in front of me.

"Thank you for the ride home." I spoke in my normal voice.
"You're very welcome. Thank you for being my blind date."
"You are very welcome." He brought his body closer to me with every word I said. I lifted my head to meet his blue eyes. A small smirk curling the edge of his mouth.
"Thank you for not being a Toupee Trump."
"I am thankful for that too." He let out a little chuckle, his lips getting closer and closer. "I really want to kiss you again." He brought his hands up to cup my face. Our lips grazing each other gently.
"Good. I like kissing you."

"Ditto." The word barely escaped his lips before they were pressed against mine. The passion in our kiss almost made my knees buckle from under me. I rested my hands on his sides, keeping his body close to mine. He slowed down the kisses. "I'm sorry about the beard." He pecked my lips with his beard tickling me.
"Don't be." I smirked, bringing my lips to his again.
"I'll see you on Sunday?" He asked before kissing me deeply. I didn't realize I had such a firm grip on his shirt before releasing it and breaking apart our lips to turn to my door. I located the key to my front door and fed it into the lock. Turning my head to him, he brought his eyes back up to mine, biting his lip.
"Yes, you will." I cooed. He licked his lips with a wide grin. I opened my door, checking if Deeohgee was going to greet me. Instead I was met with the darkness of my apartment. I turned my body to face Chris in the doorway. "Text me later?" He nodded his head, changing the wide smile to a sly smirk. He winked, kissed his fingertips and waved.

"Bye, beautiful." He started to walk down the stairs.
"Bye, handsome." I closed the front door and leaned against it. I wanted to loudly celebrate the most amazing blind date I have ever had regardless of Mykie already sleeping. I opted for a happy and bouncy dance as I trotted to Mykie's bedroom door. I opened the door slowly and whispered for Deeohgee. He stretched his body once he made it outside the door, only wagging his tail compared to his usual frantic hello. He followed me through the dark apartment and inside my bedroom.

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