Two - Trouble

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"You three are going to be the trouble makers here I feel it," The man in front of us scolded. As scared as I was, I hid behind Tay a little bit, our hands slightly touching.

"Oh please, its fucking summer camp. Get over it," Tay scoffed at the headmaster, "Not like you-" I cut her off.

"Tay stop," I said just loud enough for her to hear.

"Whatever," She finished, sighing loudly, shoving past them and into the cabin, me following closely behind.

Lynn sat on her bed, smiling furiously and shaking her head at us.
"I told you two," She said in between laughs.

Lynn had her schedual, so we looked at it since neither Tay or I had one.

"Looks like its theatre practice today," Lynn said, looking disgusted. Tay and I gave the same look as Lynn, thinking of something else to do.

"Hey Lynn, dont you have a ukalele?" Tay asked, running a hand through her hair. Tay does that alot, and its pretty attractive to be honest.

"Yeah I do, but im not sure you wanna use it, its missing two strings," Lynn said, laughing at the end.

"Well anyways, lets go before someone catches us," Tay said, grabbing my hand and leading Lynn and I out the door. Tay kept our hands intertwined as we walked twards the fence.

"If we walk the fence line for about forty-five minutes, theres a rocky pond with a little waterfall," Tay said as we reached the fence. She pointed to the left of the fence. "But we have to climb the gate" she finished. I groaned, Tay letting go of my hand to climb the gate.

"Wait! Theres a hole in the fence over here," Lynn pointed. A sigh of relief left my lips as we started walking. We got through the fence and as we were walking we passed little dips and caves in the forest.

About twenty minutes passed before Lynn spoke up, "So wheres your boyfriend?" She glanced at me.

"I uh dont have one. Im lesbian," I said, looking at the ground as we walked.

"Really? I thought we were the only two," Lynn laughed, motioning to herself and Tay. Tay giggled, and her giggle was so cute.

"So, do you have a girlfriend then?" Lynn asked.

"N..No, she broke up with me a year ago'" my voice cracked. I felt tears brimming my eyes, looking over at Tay. Tay grabbed my hand, intertwining out fingers and using her thumb to rub random patterns on the back of my hand. It was silent, exept for the sound of our shoes stepping on the grass as we walked.

After about five more minutes we arrived at the pond. It was surrounded with smooth, giant boulders and green plants and trees all around.

"Its beautiful," I said in awe.

Tay pulled out a pack of Marlboros from her pocket along with a lighter, dropping my hand. She lit the cigarette, taking a long drag.

All three of us sat down on a large rock close to the water. we sat and talked about random things, occasionally pointing out random animals in the area. After a few hours Lynn said "Im going to go back to the cabin, you two behave yourselves." Tay and I laughed and continued talking. The conversations got deeper and deeper, talking about things we've never told anybody.

Tay brought up her dad, and she started crying. She ended up in my arms and gripping my shirt.

"Tay its okay, shhh" I whispered, rubbing her back and resting my head on hers. I pulled her up, wiping the tears from her cheeks and looking into her eyes.

And in that moment I silently promised myself I'd never give up on her, that I would be there for her. Seeing this side of Tay pained me. But most importantly in that moment, I realised I loved her.

We looked in eachother's eyes for a solid minute, before her lips connected with mine in a reassuring kiss. Dammit Taylor, I really fucking love you.

A/N: aYYY jardougall has begun! dont forget to comment and vote!

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