Fourteen- Gawking

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The four of us stood in the dining area, looking for a table. I held mine and Jenna's tray, Alexa and Lynn holding their own. We sat down, but Jenna going back to get a drink.

I watched Christy approach Jenna, confronting her. I got up and started walking twards them, seening Christy shove Jenna, and Jenna not being able to catch herself, she landed backwards with a loud thud.

I ran over, basically tackling Christy and turning her face into a bloody pulp. She hit me good a few times, not enough to do any real damage. Camp councelors pulled me off.
I immediatley went to Jenna, still laying on the floor.

I picked Jenna up, walking out of the dining area, the camp councelors shouting at me to go back. I sat Jenna down outside.
"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think so. My shoulders hurt a little though."

I helped Jenna up, walking back to the cabin.
Lynn and Alexa were at the cabin later,
so we decided to watch a movie.

The movie ended up being mostly un-watched by Lynn and Alexa, they were too busy sucking eachothers' face off.
About halfway through the movie, Lynn breathed "I think we're gonna go back to Alexa's cabin."

"Dont get too horny," I laughed, cuddling into Jenna. Alexa and Lynn left quickly, leaving Jenna and I alone.

I was softly running my fingers through Jenna's hair as she rested agaisnt me, sleeping once again.

I was staring at the screen with Lion King playing, but I was lost in deep thought.
'Im suprised camp councelors dont bother us,' was the main thing running through my head.

I found myself gawking at Jenna, sleeping soundly. All of the sudden, a camp councelor walking with another girl.
Jenna jumped and awoke at the loud noise of the door flying open.

"Jardine, Mcdougall, this is your new roomate, Zoe," He said, motioning to the girl. She stood there, fiddling with her hands shyly.
Jenna rubbed her eyes with her fists like a two year old and yawned.

"Well, Im Tay, and this thing right here is Jenna," I said, Jenna punching my arm playfully.
"Yes, Im Jenna, but Im not a 'thing'," She put air quotes around it. Zoe giggled, tucking a piece of har behind her ear. The camp councelor left, leaving Zoe.

I stood there, not knowing where to go. Tay motioned for me to set my stuff on the empty bed, so I did. Tay and Jenna were absolutley gorgeous. i'd be lying if I said I didnt want to fuck Tay or Jenna against the wall.

A/N: ooooo so what do you guys think of the new character?
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