Eleven- Adventure

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We had barley gotten out of camp grounds, starting the ATVs.

"Shit theres a security guard, go!" Alexa warned, starting her ATV. We drove off in a hurry, both of us following Lynn because she knew where to go. Zipping through the trees and around bushes, we finnaly arrived in the back of a mall.

"Park them here, no one will see them," Lynn said, parking her ATV. Alexa and I did the same, walking up twards the mall and around to the front.

"How do you even know that this mall was here?" Alexa glanced at Lynn.

"I used to live around here, its not that difficult to find," She paused for a moment, "So, Tay, what are you gonna get Jenna?" Lynn nudged me, my face blushing.

"Well, maybe, uh, a necklace or something?" I paused, looking at Lynn who had excitment in her eyes.


"...And maybe get promise rings for later," I said quietly, hoping they didnt hear me.
Alexa grinned, and so did Lynn.

"Aw thats so cute!" Alexa laughed, grabbing Lynn's hand.

We areived in the mall, heading to the Jewler.

"How are you gonna pay for all this?"

"My mom sent me with five-hundred dollars to last me for the entire summer."

Alexa, Lynn and I all browsed to necklaces, looking for the perfect one for Jenna.

"Tay, look at this one," Alexa pulled me over to her and pointed at a necklace through the glass cabinet. Lynn had walked over, all three of us crowding around the cabinet and the Jewler had been watching us very carefully.

"Its perfect," I said in awe at the necklace. It was a simple necklace, but it screamed "Jenna."

I bought the necklace, going over to look at rings. Immediatley I found the perfect set. The rings said 'I promise' on the inside, and got engraved with your initials. I bought the rings, getting them engraved to say 'JM' and 'TJ'.

I checked my phone, to see that it was almost eleven and we had to be back by lunch. I stuffed the boxes in my pocket, getting Lynn's and Alexa's attention.

"Guys we gotta go, now."

I layed there, curled up in Tay's bed, crying. Tay walked in, and Alexa and Lynn walked in too. I turned to face them, seeing Tay's face turn to sympathy and walk straight over to me.
She pulled me up, and I realised I hadnt even changes my clothes or taken a shower within the past two days or so.
"Awh, Baby, you're a mess," Tay said, hugging me tightly. Lynn and Alexa walked out, but whispered something to Tay first.


Jenna looked up at me with red, puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks. Her hair was a greasy mess, and her clothes shed been wearing for days had stains all over them and smelled.

"Jenna, Love, go get in the shower okay? I bring fresh clothes and some towels to you." I caressed her cheek with my hand, feeling her nod slightly. I kissed her nose, whispering 'I love you' as she stood up and walked to the bathroom.

I went to her wardrobe,picking out shorts and a ripped tank top for her, along with undergarments. I grabbed two fresh towels out of the linen closet, placing them in the bathroom along with her clothes.

Jenna came out of the bathroom, wearing her clothes and her hair still in a towel. She took the towel off, brushing her hair out and letting it air dry. She sat down on the bed, letting out a big sigh. I wrapped my arms around her, feeling her ribcage through her shirt.

"Jenna, you're getting skinnier, you need to eat." I lifted up her shirt, her ribcage showed and her skin sunk in beneath her ribcage slightly.

"C'mon lets get some food in you," I pulled her up, grabbing her hand.
My other hand fell into my pocket, touching the boxes.

"Hold on, start walking, I'll catch up."
Jenna left and I threw the small boxes into my drawer before running out to catch up with Jenna.


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