Nine- I Cant Believe Shes Gone

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"Tay I just... I cant believe im never going to see her again. And my last memory of her is a fight we h-had."
My voice kept cracking as the tears streamed down my face. My accent was thick, thats how it was when I get upset.
The more I thought about it, the more I cried.

"Shhh, baby its okay," Tay cooed, scooting closer to me. She pulled me into her lap. I rested my head on her shoulder, wrapping my arms around her and sobbing.

"Love, shhhh."

The more I thought about everything, I more angry and upset I got.

I stood ubruptly, going balistic on the tall rocks. I punched them hard, not caring about the aftermath on my hands.

"Jenna stop!" Tay yelled, restraining me. I collapsed in her arms, pulling her down onto the ground.

"C'mon Love, lets go to the cabin."

She pulled me up, getting me to walk with her.


"Jenna, can you move your hands?"

I tried, only to scream out in pain.

"Okay, okay, Love stop trying. im going to take you to the infimiry."

"N-no, dont take me there, please," I begged.

"Jenna, you can't move your hands. You have to."


"Love, please."

"Jenna, c'mon," Lynn chimed in.

I groaned, standing up.



"What, babe?"

"Can I have some more tylenol please?" I couldnt use my hands, which meant Tay had to do everything for me.

"Sure," she gave me the pill, and I threw it in my mouth, swallowing harshly. Tay layed back down, nuzzling into me.

"Its all going to be okay, I promise," She whispered, nuzzling into my neck even closer. I eventually fell asleep, drowning in my own sadness.


Jenna was still asleep, but Lynn was up and Alexa was here too.

"Hey Lynn?" I asked, looking at her.


"Is there a mall somewhere close to here?"

"Yeah, its about a two hour walk, but we could steal the camps' ATV's and it'd only be an hour. Why?"

I blushed, not really wanting to tell her.
Lynn nudged me, "C'mon, tell me."

"Well...I was- I was...uh thinking about buying Jenna something and asking her to be my girlfriend," I said quitely, blushing furiously.

"Awwwww," Lynn and Alexa said at the same time, fiddling with eachothers fingers.
It was only about six a.m, which meant that everyone was still asleep.

"Alexa and I will go with you," Lynn said, getting up and pulling Alexa with her.

"Hold on, let me leave Jenna a note."


We had gotten the ATVs and managed to get off camp grounds, just barley starting the journey to the mall.

This was going to be fun.


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