Eight- Liar

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"Right, just 'watching' a movie," Lynn put air quotes around watching.

"I swear!"

"Right, thats why i smell hormones in the air and why Jenna's breathing is so heavy."

Jenna blushed furiously, hiding her face. I put my arm around her,rubbing her shoulder.

"Tay you're such a bad liar. I know you guys were doing the frick frack," Lynn said, laughing at her childish words.

"Lynn!" I yelled in embarassment. Cassadee was dying of laughter on Lynn's bed.

"I can do what I want Im seventeen! Now, are you staying or leaving?" I said, looking at her, pleading for her to leave with my eyes.

"We'll go to Cassadee's cabin."
Lynn left with her and I cuddled into Jenna.

"Im kinda hungry, im gonna get a snack, you want one?" I asked, pecking her on the lips as I got up.

"No, im good," Her australian accent rang through the air.

I'll be back in fifteen minutes."



I walked into the cabin to hear loud sobbing.

No answer.

"Jenna whats going on?" I practically yelled. I ran to the bathroom door and tried to open it. Sniffles and sobs came from the other side of the door.

"Jenna, open the door."


"Love, please," I pleaded. She kept the door shut along with her mouth.

"You give me no choice," I said, taking a bobby pin out of my hair and picking the lock.

I opened the door to find Jenna slouched over, sitting on the floor.

"Jenna!" I knelt over by her, grabbing her face.
"What happened?" I asked softly, glancing at her arm. She had cut her arm up pretty bad.
"Love, talk to me."

She kept sobbing, I just held her in my arms, listening to her sob uncontrollably. She held on to me as if she were afraid I was going to vanish.
I stroked her hair, trying to comfort her. Eventually she spoke up.

"My...my aunt called," She choked out, trying not to cry any harder.

"She t...told me my...my mum died," She sobbed more, her accent thick and sad.

"Love, im so sorry," I held her tighter in my arms, kissing her head softly. She eventually stopped crying enough to breathe evenly. She looked at me, her blue eyes sadder than ive ever seen them. I stood up, walking over to the counter. I grabbed the first aid kit to clean her arm.
I cleaned her cuts, kissing everyone of them ((its so cliché im sorry)).

"Its going to be okay." I sent her a sad smile as I pulled her up with me. I held her close, nuzzling my head into her chest.
"I promise," I whispered just loud enough so she could hear. I pulled away, "Want to go get some dinner?"

She nodded softly, but glanced down at her arm.
"I... I dont want anyone to see them," she croaked out. She didnt bring any long sleeves, so I pulled off my flannel and handed it to her.
"Thanks, Love," She smiled back, putting the flannel on.


"You look like youve been crying, whats wrong?" Lynn asked Jenna. Jenna's head dropped and I squeezed her hand, rubbing circles with my thumb. I looked at Lynn, shaking my head warningly. She nodded acceptingly and dropped the subject.
Jenna stood up, peactically running out of the dining area.

By the time I got out, she was no where to be found. I ran to the cabin, no sign of her. I thought if the only place I knew where she would go, The pond.

I practically jumped over the fence, running as far as I could before I had no energy left to run.

I arrived, finding Jenna sitting on the rock where we had our first kiss. She stared off into space, tears streaming down her face.
"Babe," I said softly, touching her shoulder. She jumped, looking at me.
"Shit, you fucking scared me."

"Im sorry, Love," I said, sitting down next to her. She rested her head on mine, letting out a sigh.

A/N: theres going to be part two of this chapter, its just too long man

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