Seventeen- Good Terms

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"Zoe, Im sorry for being such a bitch," I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Its alright, I understand why, I mean I was pretty shitty twards you," she finished, standing up. Zoe gave me an awkward hug.

"So, are we on good terms?"

"Yep, we should hang sometime," She walked out the door, giving everyone a smile about a kilometer wide. Zoe left, shutting the door softly.

"Well that was fucking weird," Alexa looked as if she'd seen a three headed dog.


"Jenna, Love, whats wrong?"

"Its- its just- camp ends in a week and I dont think im possibly ready to face the fact that- she...shes g-one," Jenna's voice cracked and stuttered; she broke down. She fell to her knees, throwing her head into her hands.

I sat down, pulling her into my lap. She sobbed, gripping my shirt so hard her knuckles turned white.
I held her, and she eventually wore herself out and fell asleep. I stood up, laying her down in my bed.

I found Alexa and Lynn in the abandon archery range, in a heated makeout session.
"Ahem," I cleared my throat loudly, getting their attention.
Their cheeks turned bright red, pulling away from eachother.

"What happened?" Lynn motioned to my make-up and tear stained shirt from Jenna.

"Jen Jen had a breakdown," I said sadly, "But shes asleep in my bed right now."

"Oh," was all they could manage to stutter out.

We were inturupted by sirens coming from outside, followed by the loud speaker going off.

"Attention- Everyone report to their cabins until further notice. Attention- Everyone report to their cabins until further notice."

We looked at eachother, sprinting back to my cabin.
As we were running to the cabin, paramedics were lined up and they had a body bag on a gurney. The only thought racing through my mind was 'Jenna.'

A/N: okay so this story is coming to an end, but im going to make a sequal. and maybe a trio. so yeah. okay bye

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