Fifteen- The New Girl

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For the past week, the new girl, Zoe, had been really flirty with Tay. She was always all over her.

"Hey, Tay, wanna stay in instead of going to the fire tonight with me?" Zoe looked at Tay.

"Nah, Im going with Jenna, right Babe?"

I nodded fiercley and pulled Tay closer to me by her waist. Zoe sighed, "Are you sure? I heard its going to be lame You know, we could have so much more fun here," Zoe winked.

Ive had enough.

"Stop fucking flirting with my girlfriend!"

"Sorry, I uh, didnt know you two are dating," Zoe stuttered. Lynn, Alexa, and Tay all stood in shock as I back away from Tay.

"Bullshit! You know damn well that Tay and I are dating. Ive had enough of you flirting with her and making her really uncomfortable! Either stop, or get the fuck out of our cabin!"
My accent stung in the air, finally getting my point across.

Zoe went quiet, sitting down on her bed. It was around ten at night, and Alexa snuck into our cabin to be with Lynn.

"Why dont we go back to Alexa's cabin," Tay almost whispered. We all nodded in agreement, walking all the way to her cabin.

"You know, its kinda hot when you get all protective of me."

"She was on my last fucking nerve, I had to say something," I said, interlocking fingers with Tay. Alwxa and Lynn giggled, but ended up bursting out laughing.

"Oh shut up, not like we dont know that Lynn handcuffs you and fucks you sensless," Tay laughed, Lynn and Alexa turning a deep crimson red and ceased laughing. I started chuckling as we arrived at her cabin.

***[about a week later]***

Zoe got moved to another cabin, I heard she fucked a guy in the next cabin over or something, I think his name was Zach or something.

We were at lunch, talking with Alex, Jack, Zack, and Rian. Alex and Jack were being all flirty and lovey with eachother, Im pretty sure they have a thing going on.

Jenna was falling asleep on my shoulder, "Are you tired?" i chuckled.
She nodded weakly, "Can we go back to the cabin?"

I tugged her along, laying her down in her bed at the cabin. She fell asleep almost immediatly.

A/N: sorry for the shitty/short chapter. its kinda just a filler to get to a better place in the story

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