Three- Did We Really?

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Our lips moved in sync, fitting perfectly together. Every moment until the kiss ended, I felt butterflies frenzying in my stomach. But even after it ended, my stomach was still doing flips.

We pulled away, looking into eachothers eyes.

"You're blushing," Tay giggled.

"Well so are you."

We turned, Tay intertwining our fingers and kissing my hand. We sat in silence, watching the water.


"Tay I think we should go back, its going to be dark soon."

"But I dont wanna," Tay sighed, resting her head on my shoulder. I started to stand up, pulling Tay with me.

"Its a forty-five minute walk, and we only have an hour until it gets dark," I said, Tay reluctantly following me. She pulled out another cigarette.

"Love, thats not good for you," I took the cigarette from her, breaking it in half and throwing it somewhere behind us.

"You called me Love," Tay giggled.

"Oh, uh... sorry. But still, you shoudnt smoke."

"No, Its cute,I like it. And ill try and stop, okay?" Tay looked at me with puppy eyes. I was a few inches taller than her, so she had to look up a little.

"Stop that," I giggled, smiling and looking away. I heard Tay laugh.

"I know your weakness!" she cheered.
We laughed and talked about other things until we reached the fence.
When we got to the fence, I pulled Tay close to me, looking down at her with my hands on her lower back.
"And I know your weakness," I whispered,looking into her eyes. I leaned down and kissed her softly, just enough to make it feel a little over-passionate.
We pulled away, "You're right, dammit."

I smirked, climbing through the gate and waiting for Tay. Once she got through the gate, we walked back to the cabin, opening the door to find it completley empty. There was a note on Lynn's bed saying 'Went to the campfire over on the north side of camp, come join?'
I looked at Tay, who nodded in agreement.

We walked to the campfire, finding Lynn and sitting down. Lynn handed us sodas she must of grabbed earlier.
I sat in the middle, Tay was on my right and Lynn was on my left. We chatted about things, listened in on others conversations, and joked around.

This girl, that looked popular with a bunch of other girls behind her, came up to us three and 'accidentally' spilt her soda all over us.

"Oops," She smiled before walking away, the girls behind her roaring with laughter. Tay jumped up, grabbing the girl by her shoulder and spinning her around.
"What the fuck, Christy?!" Tay screamed in the girls face.

"Dont touch me, Fag!" Christy screamed, shoving Tay. Tay's face grew red with anger, storming back over to Christy.
Tay punched her in the jaw, making her stumble backwards.

Tay spun around on her heels, walking back to us. I sat there in shock, staring at Tay. About halfway back to us, Christy had done the same thing that Tay did to her, only punching Tay in the nose instead. Tay took almost no effect to it, and started punching Christy relentlessly. Christy got a few hits back at Tay, but not nearley as much damage as Tay did to Christy.

I jumped up, running over to Tay and pulling her off Christy. No camp councelors or staff had noticed, and im not really sure why. Tay struggled against my grip.

Christy's friends took her to the nurse and Lynn and I took Tay to our cabin.

When we got to our cabin, I turned the lights on, showing Tay's face. There was a trail of blood from her nose, and a few scrapes on her face. I put my hand on Tay's face, rubbing my thumb below her eye. She looked at me, fire still in her eyes.

I looked down at myself, then Tay and Lynn, all three of us still covered in soda.
"Get changed and ill clean your face up, Love"
Lynn started laughing, making Tay and I both blush furiously. I walked over to my wardrobe, pulling out some shorts and a tanktop to change into. Lynn wa sin the bathroom changing and Tay wasnt looking so I started to change.

"Dont look, im changing" I giggled.

"Ill look if I want to," Tay laughed, turning around. I could feel her eyeing my body as I changed. Lynn came out of the bathroom, Tay turning back around quickly. I finished changing, Tay going into the bathroom to change too.

Tay came out in shorts and a baggy shirt, but she still looked amazing. She sat down and I started cleaning her face. I quickly glanced at Lynn, who was fast asleep in her bed.


I winced in pain as Jenna cleaned the cuts on my face. She kept saying sorry and looking sympathetic.
She finished cleaning my face, looking in my eyes and placing her hands on my face, her right thumb gently brushing over my cheek.
I snaked my arms around her neck, pulling her in for a kiss.

Maybe summer camp wont be so bad after all...

Summer Camp SadnessWhere stories live. Discover now