Nineteen- Please *Smut*

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"Mom, please, she doesnt have anybody else."

"Tay...I just- we cant afford it," Her mothers voise rang through the phone.

"Ill get a second job, whatever I have to do until I turn Eighteen."

"Alright, fine," Tay's pissed off mother sighed into the phone before hanging up. I looked at my phone, "Bye..." I mumbled.
I walked back into the cabin, lunging at Jenna and pinning her to the bed.

"Good news," I leant down to Jenna's ear, "You can move in." Jenna struggled to break free of my grasp, but eventually gave up and kissed me.

"You have morning breath," Jenna giggled.

"You do too, so," I said in fake sass. Lynn walked into the room with Alexa and all of Alexa's stuff.

"Why is Alexa's stuff here?" I looked at Lynn, who huffed and set down four bags. Jenna got up, but pulled me into her lap.

"We're moving in together when this is all over," Lynn motioned her hands around, referring to summer camp.

"Yep," Alexa laughed, and leant against the wall, putting one foot against it and smirking.
I turned back to Jenna, "Where do you live?"

"I live in Long Island," she restedher chin on my shoulder.

"Hey! We live there," Alexa and Lynn smirked.

"When I drive you down there to get your stuff, we could chill with them!" I said in excitment. Lynn and Alexa's eyes gleamed with excitment, "You guys can see our house too."

"Mom we'll be back tomorrow, Im taking Jenna to pack her stuff."

"Okay," Her mother mumbled.
We got in my car, blasting blink-182 for most of the ride. We were almost there when we passed a beautiful hill to watch the midst of the sunset. I quickly turned and parked the car, dragging Jenna out of it.
"Where-where are we going?"

"C'mon, youll see," I smirked, intertwining our fingers. I pulled her along, reaching the top of the hill. I sat down, looking up at Jenna who was in awe.

"Its so...pretty," she almost gasped as I pulled her down into my lap.

I smirked, "almost as pretty as you," I kissed her cheek. I saw her blush deeply, the yellow-pink light from the sun making her look even more beautiful.

"Mom! We're home!" I yelled through the house, only to get no answer.

"She's not home," I whispered, pulling Jenna close to me. I started to kiss her neck, "Babe, we have- we have to unpack my stuff," She choked out.

"Your stuff can wait." I pulled her into my room, well our room now, and slammed her against the door. Jenna kissed me roughly, turning us around and pushing me against the door. She ripped my already-ripped Bob Marley shirt and slid it off my shoulders along with my flannel.

I tugged at her shirt and threw it on the floor, pushing her backwards to my bed as I worked the button on her pants. I pulled them off, along with her underwear.
"Not so fast, Jardine," She flipped us over, unhooking my bra and pulling it off. She slid my pants and underwear off, planting soft kisses just above my waistline.
"Jenna," I moaned out. She attacked my neck with needy kisses as her fingers slipped into my enterance. I rolled my hips against her hand, encouraging her. She pumped her fingers, causing me to be a moaning mess beneath her.
She moved her head down to my core, letting her hot breath hit me. Her fingers kept working, and her tounge toyed my clit, making me arch my back in ecstacy.

"Jenna- Im so c-close," I choked out, tangling my hands in her hair and tugging lightly.

A gasp made Jenna stop abruptly.

"Taylor Kathleen Jardine!" My mom yelled, as I frantically tried to cover Jenna and I up.
"Shit ," Jenna and I said in unison.

A/N: i felt like that ending was nessicary. dont forget to comment and vote!

okay so tell me in the comments what you guys want the sequal to be about:

1- Tay and Jenna move down to Long Island with Lynn and Alexa to finish highschool and they form their bands

2-Tay and Jenna move out when Tay turns eighteen and they live normal-ish lifes and go to college

3- Lynn and Alexa move up to Liberty, Tay, Jenna, Lynn, and Alexa all move in together and form bands [there would be lots of drama in this one, but who doesnt love a little drama?]

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