Seven- Movies...

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We walked down the hall twards the dining area.
"Im going to go find Cassadee, later!" Lynn chirped as she skipped off, leaving Tay and I alone.

"Are you even hungry?" Tay looked at me.

"Not really, I-" I was cut off by a councelor.

"Jardine! Mcdougall! Get to where your going and stop waiting around!"

"Oh shut up, would you? Its summer camp for gods sake, not boarding school." Tay snapped.

"Lose the attitude, Jardine. Now go."

Tay gave an annoyed sigh, grabbing my hand and walking the other way. With her free hand she flew it up in the air, flipping the councelor off.

"Fucking watch it, Jardine."



"Why do they act like its fucking boarding school," She said, flopping down on her bed.

"I dont know, but can we watch a movie?"

"Only if its The Lion King," Tay smirked.

I groaned, pulling the movie out and putting in the DVD player. "You know, you're kind of obsessed, I mean you quote every fucking line, babe."

Tay gasped, "I am not! I just...I really love the movie okay!"

I sat on my bed, leaning against the wall as Tay crawled over to me and layed her head on my lap. The movie began to play the opening theme song as Tay sung along with it. I looked down at her, smiling. She looked back up at me," What?!"

"Nothing, you're just really cute," I giggled, kissing her lips. Her hands wrapped around my neck, deepening the kiss.

"Tay... Lynn will be back soon...I" She cut me off, kissing me again.

"Shh, dont worry so much," Her hands traveled down my body as she sat up, sitting next to me. She kissed my shoulder, trailing her lips up to my neck, sucking on the soft flesh. I moaned softly, "Shh be quiet and watch the movie," Tay whispered against my neck. Her hand dipped below the waist band of my underwear and jeans, running her fingers along my slit.
I gasped, along with moans.

Her fingers circled around my clit, making me moan, but only to be silenced by Tay's lips.

"I said watch the movie."

I painfully nodded as I turned to continue try watching the movie, only to close my eyes and lean my head back in pure ecstacy. She slid a finger into me and started pumping it slowly. She added another finger, pumping a little bit faster.

"Im really close," I choked out, barley audible.

She pumped her fingers faster, pushing me over the edge. A high pitched moaned came from my lips as Tay pulled her fingers out of me. I looked over at Tay, who was smirking as she sucked on her fingers. I chuckled at her, and Lynn walked in with Cassadee.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Oh nothing, just watching a movie," Tay chuckled, causing me to laugh with her.
A/N: so im thinking about posting a one shot book...
should i?
& also i might be uploading a short-chaptered tay imagine that will be holiday themed

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