Eighteen- Shadows

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As we ran, our heads were turned to look at the body bag. It was the cabin over from us, where everything was happening. The three girls stood there, but there was supposed to be four. Pheonix, Mercedes, and Jess stood there- Hayley wasnt.

We got into our cabin, gasping for air from running. We caught our breath, sitting down on our beds. Jenna was awake and Tay was hysterically crying, "Oh my god, you're okay," she repeated, confusing Jenna and holding her tight.

The look of shock on the girls' faces standing in front of the cabin was almost unbearable. Sirens started to wail off into the distance, followed by another loud speaker announcment.

"New rules will be announced at the camp meeting. File into ampitheatre by seven o-clock."

We were in the ampitheatre, and they announced the rules.

"Following the events of Ms.Williams suicide, the following rules will be taken to effect immideatley until the end of camp in a few days. One- the new curfew is Eight PM; Two- any sharp objects and or medication kept in cabins will be confiscated and held in the nurses station; Three- any noticable change in fellow campers moods will be reported immediatley to the nearest camp councelor. Thank you; proceed to your cabins."

We looked at eachother,and followed Jenna back to the cabin.
"Babe dont go," Lynn whined at Alexa.

"I guess i could stay- again," Alexa laughed and Lynn clung to her side, giggling.

It was the day before camp ends, and everyone had just been in the shadows. Nothing is going on, its just quiet. Too quie-
Jenna shot up in bed, screaming.

"Jenna, love, shh its okay," I pulled her into my arms. Alexa and Lynn woke up, both of them shirtless. I held Jenna, holding my laugh of Alexa and Lynn.

"You guys, you're shirtless," I laughed. Their faces turned bright red, and scrambling for their shirts. Jenna calmed down, laughing a bit.

We all got up, and started packing since tomorrow we all went home.

I still have to tell mom Jenna is moving in.

A/N: okay so the next chapter is going to be the last; let me know if you guys want a sequal okay. and ill probably be starting another book, ill post something on here for you guys to chose what ship

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