Four- This Side of You Scares Me

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Lynn, Jenna and I sat in this class, learning about archery or whatever for later in the day. I looked at Jenna, who was sitting there half asleep, resting her head on her hand. I looked at Lynn, who was writing something, it kind of looked like a song.

"Jardine!" The camp councelor half yelled, getting my attention.
"What!" I said, using the same volume he had.
"can you tell me what part of the bow this is?"
"I dont know, maybe the string!" I said sarcastically.
"Lose the attitude, Taylor. And you know that nose ring is against the rules."
"Like you're going to do anything," I half scoffed. The bell rang for lunch, I stood up, walking out. "Have a nice day!" I shouted, sass very obvious in my voice. Jenna and Lynn were on either side of me as we walked to the dining area.

We got to the dining area, they were serving some kind of burger with salad and french fries. I grabbed my plate, sitting down at a table waiting for Jenna and Lynn. They came over and sat down, and started stuffing their faces. I looked across the room, seeing Christy and her 'group' a few rows away. I quickly glanced at Christy, she only had a few bruises on her jaw.

"Jardine, arent you gonna do something?" The guy scoffed, looking at me from his chair.
"Didnt have any plans to." I said blankly, turning around to watch Lynn and Jenna struggle.
"I give up," Lynn huffed as she threw her bow somewhere and sat down. About another five minutes passed before Jenna did the same thing. The supervisor had left to go do something for a minute, "Wanna go back to the cabin?" Jenna and Lynn nodded in agreement as we walked out.

As we were wlaking back, I pulled out a cigarette and put it in my mouth holding up a lighter to it.
"Baby..." I heard Jenna trailed off. I looked over at Jenna, who was staring at me with her bright blue eyes, but she had a sad look on her face. I gave her a sympathetic look back, stuffing the cigarette bakc into the box.

We arrived at the cabin, walking in and I plopped down on my bed, letting out a sigh.
"Im going to go find Chelsea," Lynn said, walking out the door. Neither Jenna or I bothered to replied. Chelsea was Lynn's 'girlfriend'. And I quote it because its not official because the two of them are too scared to say anything.

Jenna sat down next to me, resting her head on my head since she was quite a bit taller than me.
"That side of you scares me love," Jenna said quitely, barley audible.
I looked up at her, "Which side?"
"The violent side, the side of you that left bruise on Christy's face." She almost whispered, wrapping her arms around me, pulling me down on my bed and cuddling me into her. I rested my head on her chest, my hands tracing patterns on her arm.
"Im sorry, love. I cant help it." I said into her chest.

I looked up at her, and she immediatley captured my lips in soft, sweet kiss. It seemed to last forever, but she pulled away.
"I really fucking love you, Jardine."

"I love you too," I giggled, cuddling into her even more. Soon, Jenna's breathing evened out, she was asleep. My eyes got heavy, causing me to fall asleep too.

I woke up to Jenna softly snoring. I poked her cheek, waking her up. I rolled off her, standing up and running my fingers through my hair.
"I love when you do that."

"What? This?" I said, running my fingers through my hair again.

"Yes." She said, pulling me close to her, kissing the top of my head. Lynn was asleep, snoring loudly.
"Wanna go walk around?" I said, looking up at her.
"But its dark out," Jenna gave me a questioning look.
"I know."
Jenna shrugged as she took my hand, walking outside.

A/N: its all mushy cute stuff ive been writing latley😂. i feel like i should add smut but i dont want to ruin the cute innocence of this story yEt

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