Twelve- Love

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Jenna picked at her food until linch was over.
"Love, you barley ate anything."

"Im not hungry," She mumbled. I picked up her tray, "C'mon Ill take it back with us, you have to eat."
Jenna groaned, standing up and walking with me.

"Jardine!" A camp councelor called.

"What?" I scoffed.

"Where do you think you're going with that food?"

"Back to my cabin, now go play in your little archery range and leave us alone."

I walked out of there with Jenna, holding the tray in my right hand as my left hand intertwined with Jenna's.


"Jenna, please eat."
She sat there, playing with her salad.

"What am I going to do?" She whispered softly.

"What do you mean, Love?"

"I mean, my mum is dead. I have no where to go after summer camp. I turn seventeen in a week, but I have nothing."

"Jenna, Ill be eighteen soon but you can live with me and my family until we can move out. I dont plan on leaving you Jenna, I love you, alot."

Jenna started crying, I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her, reassuring that I'd never leave.

"Baby, please eat."

Jenna stuffed a bite of salad in her mouth, chewing softly.

She ate about hald the salas before she pushed it aside, "Im full."

I sat on the couch amd texted Lynn.
Jenna came over and sat next to me, laying her head on my lap.
to Lynn: Hey can you do me a favor?
from Lynn: Sure, what is it?
to Lynn: Can you make another mall trip for me if I give you $? I cant leave Jenna alone again.
from Lynn: Yeah, Alexa and I will go tonight. What do you need?
to Lynn: Something for Jenna, her birthday is in a week. Thanks :)
"You know, you're the only thing I have left," Jenna looked up at me. I leant down and kissed her, muttering 'i love you' into her lips.

Jenna eventually fell into some much needed sleep, I watched her sleep, she was tossing and turning, occasionally twitching. She started mumbling things, and started crying. I shook her, waking her up.
She shot up, crying and wrapping her arms around my neck.
"Baby, shhh, its okay."
She pulled away, resting her hands on my shoulders.
"I had a bad dream."
"What was it about?"
"I...I dont want to talk about it."

Jenna curled up beside me and rested her head on mine.
"Ill put in a movie," I put in The Lion King, quoting every line as Jenna laughed in amusment. God, her laugh is the best and I havent heard it in a while.


Summer Camp SadnessWhere stories live. Discover now