Six- Prove It

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Hearing Jenna's voice like that hurt. I never wanted to hear the sound of her voice like that again. I looked into her eyes, before softly connecting our lips together. She kissed back slightly, letting me control how the kiss went.
I deepened the kiss, biting her bottom lip. Jenna let out a small whimper, encouraging for me to bite harder.

She let out another whimper, a little bit louder. Jenna's hands traveled up my back, lifting my shirt and pulling it completley off. She started to unclip my bra, but Lynn walked in.

"Hey- Oh fuck, sorry guys," She laughed. Jenna and I pulled away, both of us blushing furiously. I fumbled to get my shirt back on as Lynn kept laughing.

It was still only about four am, so I layed back down, Jenna laying with me. Jenna wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close, cuddling into her body.

"You know, you're a really great kisser," Jenna whispered, her accent heavy snd still full of lust and seduction.

Just to tease her, I kissed around on her neck until I found her sweet spot. I sucked and nipped at the soft skin, leaving a dark mark and earning whimpers from Jenna. I muttered 'mine' into her neck, following with "I love you."

Jenna whispered it back, kissing my head and falling asleep.

A/N: okay sorry for the short chapter, its kind of just a filler. please dont hate me

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