Five- Peaceful

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We walked around aimlessly for hours, holding hands, kissing, laughing, and joking. We got to a rock and sat down. I checked my phone, "Shit its three am."

Tay laughed and kissed my cheek.

"Babe, we should go back," I said, only to be silenced by Tay's lips against mine. "Shh, its okay" She whispered into the kiss, pushing me back. She pulled away from the kiss, cuddling into me, watching the night sky.
She was looking at the universe, and I was looking at mine. I watched her gaze the stars, looking at them in wonder.
I sat up, picking up Tay bridal style.
"Hey!" She half yelled, being suprised.
I laughed at her, pecking her lips and standing up, carrying her back to the cabin.

We got back to the cabin, laying Tay down on her bed and I layed down on mine. Tay looked across at me and smiled.
"What are you smiling at?"

"You, now come here you little idiot," Tay laughed, holding out her arms.
I reluctantly got up, walking over to Tay and cuddling into her arms.
I was almost asleep when someone barged into the cabin causing all three of us to jump. We all stood up, Tay getting in front of me protectivley.

"Christy, what the fuck are you doing here?!" Tay screamed.

"You bitch," Christy slurred through her bruised lips. She stormed over to Tay, "You're just going to fuck her then break her heart. Just like every other girl" Christy snapped. "And by the way, try harder next time you want to fight me." She scoffd and walked twards the door. Tay ran to her, spinning her by her shoulders and punching her in the face before shoving her out the door and slamming it shut.

Lynn and I looked at eachother, before looking back at Tay.

"Tay...Is...Is that true?" I quivered, tears streaming down my face.

"Of course not Jenna, Yes I used to do that, but you're different." Tay said walking over to me. Lynn stood in shock, just watching.

"The only reason I did that was to temporarily fill the hole in my heart, but baby you've filled it completley and forever," She said softly, pulling my head up with her fingers and resting her hands on either side of my face.
"Jenna I really fucking love you," She said, looking deep into my eyes.

The tears streamed down my face, looking back into her eyes. By this point, Lyndsey had left. "Prove it," I whispered softly, my accent heavy and voice cracking.

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