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rule #8
—appreciate him. make him feel loved by showing affection and admiration.


"appreciate him?" haeyoung muttered to herself, slightly confused at the rule. but after awhile, she got distracted by jeno's cat, pushing the thought to the back of her mind.

only renjun, haechan and haeyoung were crashing at jeno's place, claiming that they wanted to see jeno's two cats.

"what's their names?" haeyoung asked.

"peaches and snow,"

"wow, so creative," haechan remarked sarcastically.

"it was hard to name them alright, they were nameless for like, two days." jeno sulked.

"yeah, whatever."

"jaemin is coming by the way," jeno told them, looking up from his phone.

"what?" haeyoung slightly yelled.

"he just messaged me. is there something wrong?" jeno asked the shocked girl.

"oh, no. it's fine." she smiled.

renjun and haechan were petting snow while jeno and haeyoung were feeding peaches. "did you take your medication? renjun told me you were allergic to cats," haeyoung asked jeno.

"of course," right after that, the doorbell rang, signalling that jaemin has arrived.

renjun got up and opened the door, allowing jaemin in.

"hey guys!" jaemin waved and sat down beside haeyoung, staring at her.

"w-what? is there something on my face?" haeyoung stammered.

"yeah, prettiness."

"god jaemin, it's barely been a minute and you're already flirting. we're all single here! you're so insensitive," haechan faked a cry and dramatically wiped a nonexistent tear.

"haha! haechan's tear is as nonexistent as my bank account!" renjun laughed. or cried, we can't really tell.

"whatever renjun just said was so true that it hurts," haeyoung sighed and jeno gave her a high five.

"only chenle can't relate." jaemin added on and shrugged. the group broke out into a fit of laughter and scared the cats away, wheezing and trying to catch their breaths.

"whoever can find peaches or snow first gets to shower them, go!" jeno exclaimed and everyone went scurrying off, looking for the cats that could be anywhere in the house.

"where could they have gone to?" haechan whined.

"i found snow!" haeyoung squealed.

"I FOUND PEACHES HAH!" renjun shouted, almost scaring the cats again.

"no, i did!" jaemin retorted.

"no, you didn't,"

"i saw her first,"

"i held her first,"

"she walked in my direction first,"

the two continued bickering until haechan and jeno came in to break the two apart. haeyoung was just quietly enjoying the drama at the side while petting snow.

"okay, all of you can take turns to wash the cats!" jeno cried out in frustration.

"y'all really be making jeno have such a hard time when the cat isn't even yours, what peasants." haechan sassily flicked his side bangs away from his face and carried peaches into the bathroom.

"we don't have cats, that's why." renjun rolled his eyes.

everyone else followed behind, but jaemin held haeyoung back. "yes?" haeyoung asked as she let go of snow.

"i'm sorry for not spending time with you the past few days, i really am." he started.

appreciate him. make him feel loved by showing affection and admiration.

"it's okay, i understand. it's not easy being a student councilor is it?" haeyoung let out a small laugh to ease the tension between them and held his hands.

"is it really okay though?" jaemin asked with concerned laced in his voice.

"of course."

the two stared at each other as if they were the only people in the house. slowly, jaemin started leaning in closer to haeyoung, eyes trained on her lips. she felt her heart beat faster and blood rushed to her cheeks. one wrong move and their noses would brush against each others— but the moment was ruined when snow came running in between their legs.

haeyoung moved away and averted her gaze to the cat.

"snow, come back! sorry guys, snow ran away after hearing the water run," renjun came running after her and apologised.

"i-it's fine," haeyoung was still in a state of shock.

"sorry, i got a little carried away there..." jaemin rubbed his nape and and shyly looked away.

"it's okay. do you want to go help the boys out?" haeyoung changed the topic.


"...no?" haeyoung repeated after him, checking if she heard him correctly.

"let's get out of here." jaemin took her hand and shouted, "haeyoung and i have to rush home, bye!"

jaemin pulled her along with him out the door and brought her somewhere else.

"hey! where are we going?" haeyoung gasped.

"you'll see,"


A/N: i came back on wattpad to see that i have 1k reads, tysm everyone!

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