chapter 2 🌑

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the walk was quiet, the only sound coming from your heels and the slight sweeping noise of your dress.

aaliyah walks swiftly ahead of you, head bowed to the ground as she navigates you through your cathedral style corridors. the black walls adorned paintings of your relatives and past kings and queens of eclipse. not one of them smiling. it is eclipse tradition to be raised in such a harsh unwanted way. you and your brother were raised by servants, only ever seeing your parents if absolutely necessary. you did not have toys and friends to play with, you were raised strictly for one thing; the throne. your brother is heir to the crown of course, but with the way everything was happening with the first order and the resistance, your parents made the decision to have you, Incase anything were to ever happen to your brother.

although eclipse is in alliance with the first order, your parents wanted to make sure if your brother ever had to go to war and help the first order, you would be able to fill in his place. but seeing as the resistance has not made a move in over two years, your parents have given you both more time to do nothing; you are not to associate with anyone or ever bother your parents, so you are isolated all the time.

"princess y/n" aaliyah softly sounds, bringing you back to the real world. she stands in front of a large black door; your fathers negotiation room. you scoff, did this man really want to speak with you in this room?

she pushes the hatch, opening the door and letting the cool air sweep into the hall. you give her a quick glance, moving past her and into the dimly lit room, shutting the door behind you.

"I see you got my message" a distorted voice comes from the corner, moving slowly out of the shadows

"I have" you straightened your back, pushing your hands behind your back, gazing directly into the window of the helmet

the figure moves closer to you, mimicking your actions

"I would like to present you with a proposal" the voice echos, irritating you.

"I will only speak with you if you take that thing off" you reply, tightening your jaw.

he stops for a moment, unsure as to where you have been storing that attitude of yours. slowly, he brings his hands up to the sides of his helmet, air hissing around it as he pulls it off his head. black hair propping itself on his shoulders, you had to admit

he was beautiful.

you remain emotionless, pushing the unknown feeling to the bottom of your stomach, locking it away.

"as you were saying?" you remind him, tilting your head to the side.

"I am offering you a proposal. if you do not want to have your planet obliterated, I'd suggest you listen." he snaps back, you remain still, eyes never leaving his. that only infuriates him more.

"shouldn't you be talking to the king?" you fuel his fire, wanting to see how far you can push him. this is the first time you've spoken to someone in a long time. might as well have fun with it.

he smirks and looks to the floor, scoffing and shaking his head lightly.

"you were warned" he finishes, putting his helmet back on and ever so slowly, moving around you. you could feel the heat coming off of him and the faint smell of dirt from being outside.

once the door closes you run your fingers through your hair, gripping it and pulling. who does he think he is? coming into your home, your planet and try to speak to you as if you are below him. your anger rises, this time unable to push it down fast enough it rises and busts at the seams. you scream and throw your arms out, the thick wooden desk in the corner it thrown against the wall, cracking in half and falling to the floor in pieces. books and papers flying all around the room, the painting of your father at his inauguration is now on the floor, broken and tethered.

you stand there in shock, blinking a few times trying to focus on your raging breath. your hands fly to your mouth, covering it. aaliyah rushes through the door, eyes bulged out of her sockets, gasping loudly.

"what- what happened. princess!"

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