chapter 32 🌔

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(hello ;) we are here to serve. love you all and thanks for your patience loves
now, all rise for the ruling of the court..enjoy-k&m)

morning of the trial


it had been three grueling hours since you and kylo had embarked on your journey back to the planet in which kael would be put to death, and you had not slept since your encounter with him. anxiety rushes through your veins as the ship hums and swirls throughout space; making you wish you could somehow run off from this nightmare you had repeated over and over in your mind. kael's words and the story of who you were supposed to be makes heat rush to your face; fiery embers landing on your skin, causing redness to form.

kylo's seated position next to you makes the nerves in your chest become quiet, bringing your mind back to reality as your knee bounces, knocking into his slightly and making him turn to face you completely.

"sorry" you mumble, fixing your cloak back to your sides and folding your gloved hands on your lap. you focus your eyes back out the large window and return to your inner thoughts. you start to process what lies ahead of you; would the king try to make kael be seen as innocent? would they blame you? do they know the actual truth of what had happened that day?

as you buried yourself deeper into your mind, a small movement is seen in your peripheral vision; making you turn your head slightly. kylo's hand has slithered itself dangerously close to your leg, ceasing your movements all together. you watch silently as he brings his hand to yours, his pinky slides across the fabric of your dress till it reaches yours. your heartbeat kicks up as he locks his around your much smaller one, making you curl your finger into his. the small touch sends a silent reassuring message as you smile and bring your eyes to your hands. you may not always agree, but one thing has became undeniably clear to you both in this moment; no matter what is destined to happen at this trial, you must fight for each other.

your view from the window indicates you have ended your hyper speed jump as the dark planet becomes large in a split second. without thinking, you grab kylo's hand and place your free one on your abdomen subconsciously as your pulse quickens once more.

"empress" kylo quietly calls for you, making you swallow the bile in your throat before turning to him.

kylo's eyes scan your face, reading you like an open book as the aircraft enters the planet's atmosphere. large buildings become visible with the dark and gloomy castle of king alastair appears from beneath the heavy fog.

the stormtroopers that surrounded you stand at attention, beginning to prepare themselves for departure as the ship rumbles to the ground. hissing from the hatch can be heard as it is unattached from the ship. troopers file out, leaving you and kylo alone for a mire moment.

"kylo" your voice is shaky as uncertainty floods your senses

"everything that happens today will be ended with kael's death, i promise you that." kylo says, looking down at you as he stands fully from his seat.

you stand as well, your neck arching back fully in order to see him clearly. his brown eyes show no sign of worry as he grips your hand tighter in his.

"for you. for us" he murmurs as his hand reaches out to you slowly. his large palm places itself on your stomach as his eyes attach themselves to the cloaked part of your waist. you pull it open more, giving him full view of your small bump as you place your hand gently over his. he swallows and brings his lips together tightly before looking into your eyes once more. it was a brief moment for the two of you; as if you could have lived a normal life with a normal relationship, but that was soon cut short when he pulls away from you fully, the cold air replacing the heat of his hands as he grabs his helmet from its stand and places it over his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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